RTI Staff
and Student Publications
Year of Publications

2009 Publications
- Bradley, G.,B. Boyle, L.W. Rogers, A.G. Cooke, J. Perez-Garcia, S. Rabotyagov. Retention of High‐Valued Forest Lands at Risk of Conversion to Non‐Forest Uses in Washington State. Prepared for the Washington State Legislature and
Washington Department of Natural Resources. 61 pp.
- Mason, Larry C. , Richard Gustafson, John Calhoun, Bruce R. Lippke, and Natalia Raffaeli. June 2009. Wood to Energy in Washington:Imperatives, Opportunities, and
Obstacles to Progress. Report to the Washington State Legislature. 227 pp.
- Rogers, Luke w., A.G. Cooke. The 2007 Washington State Forestland Database Final Report. March 2009. Prepared under contract for the USDA Forest Service. 78 pp.
2008 Publications
- Andreu, M. K. Zobrist, and T. Hinckley. 2008. Management Practices to Support Increased Biodiversity in Managed Loblolly Pine Plantations. University of Florida IFAS Extension Bulletin FOR183. 9 pp.
- Arseneault, J. E., J. A. J. Kershaw, J. B. McCarter, and D. A. MacLean.
2008 (in press). Forest Vegetation Simulator Ingrowth Tool: Incorporating Ingrowth Tree Lists into Forest Vegetation Simulator Growth Projections. Northern Journal of Applied Forestry.
- Imaki, Hiroo.
Optimizing timber harvest revenue with wildlife constraints for old-forest
species using a spatially explicit habitat model and open source GIS. A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science. University of Washington, Seattle. 119 pp.
- Kershaw, John. A., Jr.; Morrissey, Robert C; Jacobs, Douglas F.; Seifert, John R.; McCarter, James B. (2008). Dominant height-based height-diameter equations for trees in southern Indiana. In: Jacobs, Douglass F.; Michler, Charles H., eds. 2008. Proceedings, 16th Central hardwood Forest Conference; 2008 April 8-9; West Lafayette, IN. Gen. Tech. Rep. NRS-P-24. Newtown Square, PA: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Northern Research Station: 341-355.
- Lippke, B., K. W. Zobrist. April 2007.The Economic Cost for Silvicultural Management to Restore or Enhance Habitat. RTI Fact Sheet #41. UW Seattle,
- Mason, C.L., Kenneth L. Casavant, Bruce R. Lippke, Diem K. Nguyen, and Eric Jessup. August 2008. The Washington Log Trucking Industry: Costs and Safety Analysis. Report to the Washington State Legislature. 125 pp.
- Mason, C.L., B.R. Lippke, K.W. Zobrist. 2008. Forest Fuels Reductions and Biomass to Energy: Cost Avoidance and Non-Market Value Analysis Indicate Public Benefits Are Underestimated. In Proceedings: Woody Biomass Utilization; Challenges and Opportunities. Forest Products Society 60th International Convention. Newport Beach , CA.
- Oliver, Chadwick D., James B. McCarter, Jeffrey M. Comnick, Kevin Ceder, and Christopher S. Nelson. 2008 (in press). Simulating Landscape Change Using the Landscape Management System. In: Joshua J. Millspaugh and Frank R. Thompson III (eds). Models for Planning Wildlife Conservation in Large Landscapes.
- Oneil, Elaine. September 2008. Eastern Washington Biomass Accessibility Study – Chattawood Case Study. RTI Fact Sheet #42. UW. Seattle, WA.
2007 Publications
- Baumgartner, D., P.J. Cohn, A. Grotta, A. Perleberg, D.P.Hanley, and A. Bergstrom. June 2007. Forest Stewardship Coached Planning in Washington State. RTI Working Paper #8. UW Seattle, WA. 19p.
- College of Forest Resources. 2007. The Future of Washington's Forests and Forest Industries, Final Report. Report to the Washington State Legislature. UW Seattle , WA . 406p.
- Hanley Donald P. Bruce Lippke, David Baumgartner, Larry Mason . 2007. Rural Technology Initiative: Science and Technology to Assist Rural Forest Resource-Based Communities in Washington State. In Proceedings: International Conference on Transfer of Forest Science Knowledge and Technology. USDA Forest Service PNW Research Station General Technical Report PNW-GTR-726. P151-160.
- Johnson, L., B. Lippke, E. Oneil, J. Comnick, C.L. Mason. 2007. (in review). CORRIM: Phase 2 Final Report Module A: Forest Resources Inland West, the Consortium for Research on Renewable Industrial Materials. Seattle WA.
- Lippke, Bruce, Alicia Robbins, Larry Mason . 2007. Applied Science and Technology Transfer for Avoided Costs and Protected Forest Values in Proceedings: International Conference on Transfer of Forest Science Knowledge and Technology. USDA Forest Service PNW Research Station General Technical Report PNW-GTR-726. P15-23
- Lippke, Bruce, Kevin Zobrist, Kevin Ceder. 2007. Issues and Alternatives Associated with Private Forest Wildlife and Riparian Habitat Management in USDA Forest Service Pacific Northwest Research Station General Technical Report PNW-GTR-695. p81-94
- Lippke, Bruce, Larry Mason , Kevin Zobrist, Kevin Ceder, Elaine Oneil, Jim McCarter, Hiroo Imaki, Alicia Sullivan. 2007. Study 1: Timber Supply and Forest Structure in The Future of Washington's Forests and Forestry Industries - Final Report by the College of Forest Resources , University of Washington , Seattle Washington . 125 pp plus 13 Discussion Papers of 191 pp (Full report 518 pp).
- Lippke, B., K. W. Zobrist, and C. L. Mason. 2007. Templates for Forest Sustainability on the
Olympic Experimental State Forest. RTI Working Paper #7. UW Seattle,
WA. 61p.
- Mason, Larry and Bruce Lippke. 2007. Jobs, Revenues, and Taxes from Timber Harvest; An Examination of the Forest Industry Contribution to the Washington State Economy. Rural Technology Initiative Working Paper 9, College of Forest Resources, University of Washington . 63pp.
- McCarter, James B.,
and Donald P. Hanley. August 2007. Landscape Management System: A Computer Tool for Helping Family Forest Owners Make Management Decisions.
WSU Extension Publishing & Printing. WSU Pullman, WA. 38 pp.
- McCarter, James B., Christopher E. Nelson, Kevin R. Ceder, and Kevin W. Zobrist. 2007. The Landscape Management System: Emerging Technology for Integrated Forestry Applications. In: Miner, Cynthia; Jacobs, Ruth; Dykstra, Dennis; Bittner, Becky, eds. Proceedings: international conference on transfer of forest science knowledge and technology. Gen. Tech. Rep. PNW-GTR-726. Portland, OR: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Research Station. 169-177.
- Zobrist, K.W. and B.R. Lippke. 2007. Economic Costs of Different Riparian Management Regulations in the Pacific Northwest. Western Journal of Applied Forestry 22(1): 36-41.

2006 Publications
- Briggs, D. and C. L. Mason. 2006. The
Future of Wood Products and How This May Affect Small Woodland
Owners. Northwest
22(2): pp. 8-11.
- Erickson, Ara. Who Owns Washington's Working Forestland? Western
Forester. Volume 51, No. 2. Pages 10-12.
- Gehringer, Kevin R. 2006. Structure-based
nonparametric target definition and assessment procedures with
an application to riparian
management. Forest Ecology and Management. 223: 125-138.
- Lippke Bruce. 2006. Building Materials and Climate Change: The Unseen Connection. California Forests ( California Forestry Ass.), Sacramento , CA. Winter 2006. Vol. 10 No. 1. p 12-13.
- Lippke, Bruce, and James Bowyer. 2006. Environmental Life Cycle Analysis of Alternative Building Materials, Chapter 7 in Handbook of Environmentally Conscious Materials and Chemicals Processing by John Wiley & Sons (in printing)
- Lippke, Bruce, Jeffrey Comnick, Larry Mason . 2006. Alternative Landscape Fuel Removal Scenarios: Impacts of Treatment Thinning Intensity and Implementation Schedules of Fire Hazard Reduction Effectiveness, Carbon Storage, and Economics. Rural Technology Initiative (RTI) and the Consortium for Research on Renewable industrial Materials (CORRIM) Joint.
- Lippke, Bruce and Lucy Edmonds. 2006. Environmental Performance Improvement in Residential Construction: the impact of products, biofuels and processes. Forest Products Journal 56(10):58-63.
- Lippke, B. & Perez-Garcia, J. 2006. Environmental performance of residential construction: An assessment of processes, products & designs, WCTE 2006 - 9th World Conference on Timber Engineering - Portland, OR, USA - August 6-10, 2006
- Mason, C. L. 2006. Red Alder Market Implications for Management;
Reasons for Optimism. In: R.L. Deal & C.A. Harrington. Eds.
Red Alder – a state of knowledge. Gen. Tech. Rep. PNW-GTR-669.
Portland, OR: USDA, Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Research
Sta. 150p.
- Mason, C.L., B.R. Lippke, K.W. Zobrist, T.D. Bloxton Jr.,
K.R. Ceder, J.M. Comnick, J.B. McCarter, and H.K. Rogers. 2006.
Investments in Fuel Removals
to Avoid Forest Fires Result in Substantial
Benefits. Journal of Forestry 104(1):27-31.
- Mason, C. L. 2006. Sovereignty, Stewardship, Sustainability.
Evergreen Magazine. Winter 2005-6: pp.26-31.
- Mason, Larry , B. Lippke, K. Zobrist, T. Bloxton, K. Ceder, J. Comnick, J. McCarter, H. Rogers. 2006. Investment in Fuel Removals to Avoid Fires Result in Substantial Benefits. Journal of Forestry , Jan/Feb. 06, 104,1: p 27-31.
- McLaughlin, Matthew. September 2006. Combine
Digital Media Technologies to Produce an Interactive Distance
Learning Tool. RTI
Fact Sheet #39. UW Seattle, WA.
- Oneil, Elaine. October 2006. Update on Eastern Washington Mortality Trends with Implications for Eastern
Washington Timber Supply. RTI Fact Sheet #40. UW. Seattle, WA.
- Rogers, Luke. Who Owns Washington's Forestlands? A Spatial
Database for Analyzing Land-Use Patterns and Trends. Western
Forester. Volume 51, No. 2. Pages 14-15.
- Roth, P., J.C. Finley, K.W. Zobrist, and D. Baumgartner. 2006.
Computer Technology Helps
Family Forest Owners in Pennsylvania and Washington. Journal
of Forestry 104(3):132-135.
- Zobrist, K.W. 2006. Management
templates for increased biodiversity and economics in intensively
managed loblolly pine plantations.
National Forestry 1(1):11-12, 16-17.
- Zobrist, K.W., and C. L. Mason. 2006. Alternate
plans for riparian hardwood conversion: Challenges and opportunities. Pages 145-149 in R.L. Deal and C.A. Harrington, eds. Red alder:
A state
knowledge. General Technical Report PNW-GTR-669. USDA Forest
Northwest Research Station, Portland, OR. http://www.fs.fed.us/pnw/publications/gtr669/pnw_gtr669d.pdf
- Zobrist, K.W., J. B. McCarter, D. P. Hanley. Inventory Wizard:
A New Tool That Makes it Easy to get Started With the Landscape
Management System. WSU Extension Publications. Revised
March 2006.
- Zobrist, K.W., J.M. Comnick, and J.B. McCarter. 2006. Economatic:
A New Tool that Integrates Financial Analysis with Forest Management
Simulations. Western Journal of Applied Forestry 21(3):134-141.

2005 Publications
- Gehringer, Kevin R. Ph.D. June 17, 2005. An
Individual Tree Simulatioin Model for Estimating Expected
Values of Potentially Available Large Woddey Debris (LWD).
Draft. UW Seattle, WA. 77p.
- Hanley, Donald P., and David M. Baumgartner. December 2005.
Silviculture for Washington Family Forests. WSU Extension Publications.
54 pages.
- Lippke, B. and C. L. Mason. 2005. Implications of Working
Forest Impacts on Jobs and Local Economies. Northwest Environmental
Forum Discussion Paper. UW Seattle, WA.
- Lippke, B., D. Hanley, C. L. Mason. 2005. The Rural Technology
Initiative: A collaborative technology transfer center
serving rural landowners and communities. Western Forester.
50 (5):
- Lippke, B., D., McCarter, J.B. September 2005. Technology
Transfer from Research to Forestry Applications: Using the
Landscape Management System (LMS). RTI Fact Sheet #36. UW Seattle,
- Mason, C. L. 2005. Red Alder Market Implications for Management;
Reasons for Optimism. Accepted for publication. International
Alder Symposium: A State of Knowledge. Conference Proceeding.
USDA Forest Service. Portland, OR.
- Mason, C. L. 2005. Assessing market and non-market forest
values: a fire risk example. Western Forester. 50 (5): pp.20-21.
- Mason, C. L. 2005. Sovereignty, Stewardship, Sustainability.
Accepted for publication. Evergreen Magazine.
- Mason, C. L. 2005. Investments in Fuel Removals to Avoid
Forest Fires Result in Substantial Benefits. Accepted
for publication. Journal of Forestry.
- Mason, C. L. January 2005. Agency
Retirements and Enrollment Declines Create Shortage of Natural
Resource Professionals.
RTI Fact
Sheet # 32. UW Seattle, WA.
- Mason, C. Larry. April 2005. An
Examination of the Washington Department of Natural Resources
Timber Sale Program Against a Backdrop of Changing Regional
Infrastructure and a Growing Forest Health Crisis. RTI
Working Paper #2. UW
Seattle, WA. 98p.
- Mason, C. L.,Calhoun, J., Lippke, B. June 2005. Options
for Cedar Mill Waste Utilization and Disposal in Western
Clallam and Jefferson Counties. RTI Working Paper
#3. UW Seattle, WA. 46p.
- Oneil, E. January 2005. Measures
for Forest Health in Eastern Washington Habitat Types. RTI Fact Sheet #31. UW Seattle, WA.
- Oneil, E. April 2005. The
Economics of Forest Health in Eastern Washington. RTI Fact Sheet #35. UW Seattle, WA.
- Rogers, L.W. May 2005. Automating
Contour-Based Route Projection for Preliminary Forest Road
Designs Using GIS. A thesis submitted
in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree
of Master of Science. University of Washington, Seattle. 87p.
- Zobrist, K.W. 2005. Economically
Sustainable Working Forests: Financial Analysis Principles
and Applications. Northwest Environmental
Forum Topic Paper 2. Northwest Environmental Forum, College of
Forest Resources, University of Washington, Seattle, WA. 16 p.
- Zobrist, K.W. 2005. Management
templates that integrate ecological and economic objectives. Western Forester 50(5):8-9.
- Zobrist, K.W. October 2005. Management
Templates for Increased Biodiversity and Economics in Intensively
Managed Loblolly Pine Plantations.
RTI Fact Sheet #38. UW Seattle, WA.
- Zobrist, K. September 2005. Increasing
Biodiversity in Intensively Managed Loblolly Pine Plantations:
A Literature
Review. RTI Fact Sheet #37. UW Seattle, WA.
- Zobrist, K.W. April 2005. A
comparison of riparian regulation effectiveness in Western
Washington and Oregon. RTI Fact Sheet
#34. UW Seattle, WA.
- Zobrist, K., K. Gehringer, and B. Lippke. 2005. A
sustainable solution for riparian management. Western Forester 50(4):20.
- Zobrist, K.W., Gehringer, K.R., Lippke, B.R. 2005. A
sustainable solution for riparian management. Pages 54-62 in R.L. Deal
and S.M. White, eds. Understanding Key Issues of Sustainable
Wood Production in the Pacific Northwest. General Technical Report
Portland, OR: USDA Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Research
- Zobrist, K., C. L. Mason. 2005. Alternate Plans for Riparian
Hardwoods Conversions: Challenges and Opportunities. Accepted
for publication. International Alder Symposium: A State of
Knowledge. Conference Proceeding. USDA Forest Service. Portland,
- Zobrist, K., Hinckley, T., Andreu, M.,
Gehringer, K., Hedman, C. Lippke, B. July 2005. Final
project report to the National Commission on Science for Sustainable
Forestry (NCSSF): Templates for Forest Sustainability on Intensively
Managed Private Forests. RTI Working Paper #5. UW Seattle,
WA. 107p.

2004 Publications
(including related in process research publications by involved
faculty, staff and students)
- Bowyer, J., J. Perez-Garcia, B. Lippke, D. Briggs, J. Wilson.
2004. Life Cycle Environmental Performance of Renewable Building
Materials in the Context of Residential Construction, CORRIM,
published by the College of Forest Resources, University of
Washington, Seattle. 600+ pages
- Ceder, K. R. and J. B. McCarter. 2004. “Assessing Fire
Risk with the Landscape Management System and FFE-FVS.” Western
Forester. Vol. 49 no.3 pp.20-22
- Creighton, Janean and David Baumgartner. 2004est. "Small-scale
family forests and Washington State‚s land-use regulations:
how much do landowners know?", To be submitted to Western
Journal of Applied Forestry.
- Gehringer, Kevin R. 2004est. A Nonparametric Method for Defining
and Using Biologically Based Targets in Forest Management.
In: Bevers, Michael; Barrett, Tara M., comps. 2004. Systems
Analysis in Forest Resources: Proceedings of the 2003 Symposium;
October 7-9, Stevenson, WA. Proceedings RMRS-P-000. Ogden,
UT: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain
Research Station.
- Gehringer, Kevin R. 2004est. Nonparametric Target Definition
and Assessment Procedures and their use in Forest Management.
A paper to be submitted to Forest Ecology and Management. A
paper to be submitted to Forest Ecology and Management.Marzluff,
J. M., J. J Millspaugh, K. R. Ceder, C. D. Oliver, J. Withey,
J. B. McCarter, C. L. Mason, J. Comnick. (in review). "Modeling
changes in wildlife habitat and timber revenues in response
to forest management." Forest Science.
- Mason, C. L. 2004. “Where are Tomorrow’s Natural
Resource Professionals?” Western Forester. vol. 49 no.6
pp. 4-5
- Mason, C. L. 2004. Investments in Fuel Removals to Avoid
Forest Fires Result in Substantial Benefits. In review. Journal
of Forestry.
- Perez-Garcia, John, Bruce Lippke, Jeffrey Comnick, and Carolina
Manriquez. 2004. Tracking Carbon from Sequestration in the
Forest to Wood Products and Substitution, Module N in Life
Cycle Environmental Performance of Renewable Building Materials
in the Context of Residential Construction, by Bowyer et at
- Zobrist, K.W., K.R. Gehringer, and B.R. Lippke. 2004. Templates
for Sustainable Riparian Management on Family Forest Ownerships.
Journal of Forestry 102(7):19-25.
- Zobrist, K., Ludwig, M. and Lippke, B. 2004. Economic Analysis.
In Silvicultural Options for Young-Growth Douglas-fir: The
Capitol Forest Study-Establishment and Results, eds. R.O. Curtis,
D. Marshall, and D.S.
DeBell. General Technical Report PNW-GTR-598. Portland, OR: USDA Forest Service,
Pacific Northwest Research Station.
- Zobrist, K.W., McCarter, J.B., Hanley, D.P. 2004. Inventory
Wizard: A new tool that makes it easy to get started with
the Landscape Management System. Extension Bulletin EB1983.
Pullman, WA: Washington State University Press.

2003 Publications
(including related research publications by involved faculty,
staff and students)
- Baumgartner, D. M., C. L. Mason. 2003. Rural Technology Initiative
(RTI), A Pilot Project to Assist Rural Forest Resource-Based
Communities in Washington State, U.S.A (submitted for publication
in proceedings). IUFRO Symposium on Forestry and Rural Development
in Industrialized Countries: Policy, Programs and Impacts.
Rotorua, New Zealand.
- Carroll, M.S., P.J. Cohn and K. A Blatner.2003. Private and
Tribal Forest Landowners and Fire. A Two County Case Study
in Washington State. (forthcoming) The Canadian Journal of
Forest Research.
- Gehringer, Kevin R. 2003. Estimating Expected Values for
Potentially Recruitable Large Woody Debris. A white paper prepared
for Rural Technology Initiative, College of Forest Resources,
University Of Washington, Seattle, WA 98195. 21pp.
- Hanley, Donald P., Gary Kuhn. Trees Against the Wind. PNW-Ext.
Bull. No. 5. (A basic agro-forestry excessive wind and snow
bulletin for landowners living primarily in the arid region
of the Pacific Northwest. Windbreak designs, placements, and
species selections are included. Agro-forestry and wildlife
emphasis are included.)
- Lippke, Bruce. 2003. Technology Transfer Opportunities for
Small Diameter Timber Problems, in Small Diameter Timber: Resource
Management, Manufacturing, and Markets, Symposium Proceedings
edited by D. Baumgartner, L. Johnson and E. DePuit, Washington
State University
- Mason L, K. Ceder, H. Rogers, T. Bloxton, J. Comnick, B.
Lippke, J. McCarter, K. Zorist. 2003. Investigation
of Alternative Strategies for Design, Layout and Administration
of Fuel Removal Projects. Rural Technology Initiative,
College of Forest Resources, University of Washington, Seattle,
WA 98195. 78pgs.
- Oneil, Elaine E., 2003. Impacts of the Forest and Fish Rules
on Small Forest Landowners in Eastern Washington: Some Key
Consequences from Riparian Zone Case Study Analysis, Masters
Thesis, College of Forest Resources, University of Washington
- Rogers, Heather K., 2003, Investigation of Alternative Fuel
Removal Strategies, Masters Thesis, College of Forest Resources,
University of Washington
- Rogers, Luke W. 2003. The Assessment of Non-Industrial Private
Forestlands by Water Resource Inventory Area. Seattle, WA:
Rural Technology Initiative, College of Forest Resources, University
of Washington. Prepared for the Washington State Department
of Natural Resources under contract.
- Rogers, Luke W. 2003. Determination of the Current State
of Geographic Information Systems Data in Washington State
Counties. Seattle, WA: Rural Technology Initiative, College
of Forest Resources, University of Washington. Prepared for
the Washington State Department of Natural Resources under
- Southerland, W. Barry, 2003, Stream Geomorphology and Classification
in Glacial – Fluvial Valleys of the North Cascade Mountain
Range in Washington State, PhD thesis, Washington State University,
Pullman Washington, 141 pp.
- Zobrist, Kevin, and Bruce Lippke. 2003, Case Studies Examining
the Economic Impacts of New Forest Practice Regulations on
NIPF Landowners", Chapter 19 in Forest Policy for Private
Forestry: Global and Regional Challenges, Edited by L. Teeter,
B. Cashore, and D. Zhang. CABI Publishing. pp 203-210. ISBN:

2002 Publications
(including related research publications by involved faculty,
staff and students)
- Bloxton, Thomas David Jr. 2002, Prey Abundance, Space Use, Demography,
and Foraging Habitat of Northern Goshawks in Western Washington,
Masters Thesis, College of Forest Resources, University of Washington
- Bowyer, Jim, David Briggs, Bruce Lippke, John Perez-Garcia,
Jim Wilson. 2002. Life Cycle Environmental Performance of Renewable
Industrial Materials: CORRIM Phase I Interim Research Report.
CORRIM Inc. (in care of College of Forest Resources, University
of Washington). approx 400pages
- Ceder, Kevin. 2002. "Linking
tools of forest and wildlife managers: wildlife habitat evaluation
using the Landscape Management System." FVS Conference
February 2002.
- Ceder, K. R. and J. M. Marzluff (2002). Linking Tools of Forest
and Wildlife Managers: Wildlife Habitat Evaluation using the Landscape
Management System. In: Crookston, Nicholas L.; Havis, Robert N.
comps. Second Forest Vegetation Simulator (FVS) Conference, Fort
Collins, CO, Proceedings RMRS-P-000. Ogden, UT: U.S. Department
of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station.
(in press)
- Comnick, Jeffrey 2002. Development and Application of a Decision
Support Tool to Analyze Alternatives for Landscapes Composed of
Multiple Ownerships. Master’s Thesis. College of Forest
Resources, University of Washington.
- Cross, Jason. 2002. Measuring the impact of harvest intensity
on riparian forest functionality in terms of shade production
and large woody debris recruitment potential: two models. Master’s
Thesis. College of Forest Resources, University of Washington.
- Gehringer, Kevin R. 2002. A Tutorial on Probability Based Target
Definition and Assessment with an Application to Forest Management.
A document prepared for the Rural Technology Initiative, College
of Forest Resources, University of Washington, Seattle, WA 98195.
- Hanley, D.P., C.L. Mason, J.B. McCarter (2002). “Landscape
Management System: Bringing Training to Rural Forest Managers.”
Journal of Forestry 100 (5): p. 5.
- Hanley, Donald P., and David M. Baumgartner, 2002, Forest Ecology
in Washington
WSU Extension Bulletin. No. EB1943.
- Lippke, B.R., B. Bruce Bare, Weihuan Xu, Martin Mendoza. 2002.
Assessment of Forest Policy Changes in Western Washington.
Journal of Sustainable Forestry Vol. 14(4) pp63-94
- Manriquez, Carolina, 2002. Carbon Sequestration in the Pacific
Northwest: a model. MS Thesis. University of WA. College of Forest
Resources. 158p.
- Marzluff, J.M., J.J. Millspaugh, K.R. Ceder, C.D. Oliver, J.
Withey, J.B. McCarter, C.L. Mason, J. Comnick. 2002. “Modeling
changes in wildlife habitat and timber revenues in response to
forest management” Forest Science 48(2): pp. 191-202.
- Meil, J., B. Lippke, J. Perez-Garcia and J. Bowyer. 2002. Life
cycle environmental performance of renewable materials in the
context of residential construction. Appendix G in: Bowyer, J.,
D Briggs, B. Lippke, J. Perez Garcia and J. Wilson. 2002. Life
Cycle Environmental Performance of Renewable Industrial Materials:
CORRIM Phase I Interim Research Report. CORRIM Inc. 31p.
- Rogers, Luke W. 2002. Small Forest Landowners Database Validation
and Data Analysis Study for King County, Washington. Seattle,
WA: Rural Technology Initiative, College of Forest Resources,
University of Washington. Prepared for the Washington State Department
of Natural Resources under contract.
- Rogers, Luke W. 2002. Small Forest Landowners Database Validation
and Data Analysis Study for Clark County, Washington. Seattle,
WA: Rural Technology Initiative, College of Forest Resources,
University of Washington. Prepared for the Washington State Department
of Natural Resources under contract.
- Ryan, John and the Technical and Policy Working Group (Bruce
Lippke contributor) 2002. Developing and Deploying Renewable Energy
and Combined Heat & Power Technologies—A Role for Washington
Industry: Technology and Policy Recommendations. Washington State
University, Cooperative Extension Energy Program
- Silber, M.L., Freed, J., Davitt, B.B., Lytle, D.C., Alstat,
E.K. Quality Control and Standardization Technology of Medicinal
and Dietary Non Timber Forest Products Based on Tannin Analysis.
In "Rocky Mountain Ecosystems: Diversity, Complexity, and
Interactions" (Ed., John Bassman), 2002; 9-13.
- Turnblom, E.C., M.M. Amoroso, K.W. Ceder, B.R. Lippke, C.L.
Mason, J.B. McCarter. 2002. Estimation of Sequestered Carbon in
King County Forests. Final Research Report Submitted to King County,
Dept. of Natural Resources. 23p.
- Zobrist, Kevin, Bruce Lippke, B. Bruce Bare, Larry Mason. 2002,
Management Alternatives under Salmon Protection Regulations: Importance
of Case Studies. In Understanding Impacts", in Global Initiatives
and Public Policies for Forestry in the 21st Century". A
peer reviewed proceedings. Auburn University.

2001 Publications
(including related research publications by involved faculty,
staff and students):
- Allison, Nancy K. 2001. Evaluating silvicultural
options for harvesting young-growth coastal Douglas-fir forests
using the forest vegetation simulator (FVS) and the landscape
system (LMS). Master’s Thesis, College of Forest
Resources, University of Washington. 136 p.
- Barg, Amy K., and Donald P. Hanley, Silvicultural Alternatives:
Variable Retention Harvests in Forest Ecosystems of Western
Washington. A Guide for Forest Landowners. Original sketches
by Lara Muffley show retention patterns. Includes glossary.
WSU Cooperative Extension Bulletin EB1899 March 2001. 20 pages.
- Baumgartner, David M., Donald P. Hanley, Melody L. Kreimes,
and Steve Gibbs. Forestry Education and Assistance Programs
for Washington Forest Landowners. WSU Cooperative Extension
Bulletin EB1286. Revised February 2001. 12 pages.
- Brannon, Thomas, David Baumgartner, and Don Hanley. 2001. Roads
on Small Acreage Forests, Washington State University
Extension Bulletin EB1910. 12pp.
- Creighton, Janean, and David Baumgartner.
2001. “Mammals
of the Pacific Northwest.” WSU Cooperative Extension
Bulletin EB1849
- Creighton, Janean, and John Lehmkuhl, David
Baumgartner, and Chris. Loggers. 2001. “Wildlife
considerations for private landowners from the management of
over-stocked, small diameter forest stands in eastern Washington.” WSU
Cooperative Extension Bulletin EB 1905.
- Hall, Justin S. 2001. Forest management
planning: a comparison between linear programming
and new tools in the landscape management
system. Master’s Thesis. College of Forest
Resources, University of Washington.
- Hanson, Kirk. 2001. Washington Develops
First-Ever Small Forest Landowner Database.
Northwest Woodlands, Portland OR.
Fall 2001, Vol. 17, No. 4. pp 24, 30&31.
- Johnson, Morris C. 2001. Testing the landscape
management system (LMS) and decision analysis
(Scope&Group and Toggle)
tools on a forest landscape. Master’s Thesis. College
of Forest Resources, University of Washington.
- Lippke, Bruce. 2001. “Issues
impacting the sustainability of family forest ownership and
the functioning of working forests: What we know and don't
know.” Available at www.Ruraltech.org
College of Forest Resources.
- Mason, Larry. 2001. The Rural Technology Initiative: Computer
Technology for Tomorrow's Forests Today. Northwest Woodlands,
Portland OR. Fall 2001, Vol. 17, No. 4. pp 20-21.
- McCarter, James B. 2001. Landscape Management System (LMS):
Background, methods, and computer tools for integrating forest
inventory, GIS, growth and yield, visualization and analysis
for sustaining multiple forest objectives. Ph.D. Thesis. College
of Forest Resources, University of Washington.
- Nelson, Christopher E. 2001. Exploration
of Structural Stage Classification Algorithms.
Master’s Thesis. College of
Forest Resources, University of Washington.
- Oliver, C.D., and J.B. McCarter. 2001. The Landscape Management
System Program: Landscape level planning and analysis. Paper
presented at the conference: Forest Growth and Yield Models:
Making the Best Business and Planning Decisions. Emerald Chapter
of the Oregon Society of American Foresters and the Western
Forestry and Conservation Association. (Papers compiled) November
5, 2001, Eugene, Oregon.
- Park, Pil Sun. 2001. Forest stand structure characteristics
for the Cispus adaptive management area, Cascade Range, U.S.A.
: implications for old growth, fire hazard, silviculture, and
landscape management. Ph.D. Thesis. College of Forest Resources,
University of Washington. 161 p.
- Rogers, Luke W. 2001. The Washington State
Small Forest Landowner Database: Design & Implementation.
Seattle, WA: Rural Technology Initiative,
College of Forest Resources, University
of Washington.
Prepared for the Washington State Department of Natural
Resources under contract.
- Rogers, Luke W. 2001. PEGGER & ROADVIEW:
A New GIS Tool to Assist Engineers in Operations
Planning. International Mountain
Logging and 11th Pacific Northwest Skyline Symposium
Proceedings. Seattle, WA: Forest Engineering,
College of Forest Resources,
University of Washington. Presented at the International
Mountain Logging and 11th Pacific Northwest
Skyline Symposium, SeaTac,
WA, December 2001.
- Wilson, J.S., and P.J. Baker. 2001. Flexibility in forest
management. Forest Ecology and Management. (In press)
- Zobrist, Kevin. 2001. Case Studies Demonstrate Technology.
Northwest Woodlands, Portland OR. Fall 2001, Vol. 17, No. 4.
p 25.
- Zobrist, Kevin, 2001;Economic
Impacts of the Forest and Fish Rules on Small NIPF Landowners
- Ten Western Washington Case Studies, Rural Technology
Initiative, College of Forest Resources, University of

2000 Publications
(including related research publications by involved faculty,
staff and students):
- Lippke, Bruce, Scott Marshall, Michelle Ludwig, Jeffrey Moffett,
Dave Fitzpatrick and B. Bruce Bare. 2000. Lewis
County Economic Assessment, for the Lewis County Natural
Resources Advisory Committee. CINTRAFOR Special Paper 35, College
of Forest Resources, University of Washington, Seattle WA. 62pp
plus Appendices.
- Lippke, Bruce. 2000. A brief introduction to "The Economic
Impacts Resulting from Riparian Management." Commentary
published in Western Forester, Summer 2000.
- Lippke, Bruce. 2000. Two new leaders and two new projects
for the University of Washington's College of Forest Resources:
(1) CORRIM, (2) Rural Technology Initiative. Lead article in
Pacific Rim Wood Market Report, Number 153, May 2000 (print and
web media 3pp).
- Oliver, Chadwick. 2000. Natural processes and instability in
forest land. Published in Proceedings of 24th Annual National
Indian timber Symposium, Lewiston ID, June 15, 2000.
