Complete list of RTI Streaming Videos in Chronological Order |
2004 |
Presentations from 2011 |
Date |
Northwest Environmental Forum - Forest Watershed Services: Forests for Fish, Forests for Faucets.
The June 2011 Northwest Environmental Forum (NWEF) is intended to help launch a collaborative initiative to develop and implement a demonstration forest watershed services market project in 2011-12, in order to generate useful transaction evidence, in response to legislative direction in Engrossed Substitute House Bill (ESHB) 2541. The intended outcome of the Forum is to flesh out key aspects of the project and secure commitments to participate in an initial project workgroup or workgroups. |
June |
School of Forest Resources Distinguished Alumni Seminar
"If I Could Change the World: Forestry and Environmental Issues in South Sudan, Africa; Asia; and South America." |
May |
Stand Management Cooperative 2011 Spring Workshop - Performance of the SMC Type III Installations
What is the growth, yield and quality of Douglas-fir stands planted at different spacings and what is the effect of thinning and pruning?
April |
ITC Workshop: Branding & Marketing of Tribal Forest Products
There are 21 presentations from this workshop with topics ranging from international log exports to non-timber forest products and environmental services. |
March |
8th Annual School of Forest Resources Graduate Student Symposium
There are 21 presentations from symposium. This collection of short streaming video presentations reflects the wide array of research being done by graduate students at the School of Forest Resources. |
February |
Presentations from 2010 |
Date |
Northwest Environmental Forum: Changing the Game:
We Need Transformative Strategies to Stop Forest Losses
Multiple presentations and discussions were recorded from this working forum held at the UW Botanic Gardens' Center for Urban Horticulture. |
October |
Washington Forest Practices Adaptive Management Science Conference
The 12 presentations from this conference were given in Olympia, Washington. The conference gives updates on the research being done by the Cooperative Monitoring Evaluation and Research Committee (CMER) of the Timber, Fish and Wildlife Program. |
April |
7th Annual School of Forest Resources Graduate Student Symposium
There are 16 presentations from symposium. This collection of short streaming video presentations reflects the wide array of research being done by graduate students at the School of Forest Resources. |
Pruning Your Forest
A joint project with the Washington State Forestry Extension that offers information and shows techniques used to prune your forest. |
Presentations from 2009 |
Date |
Northwest Environmental Forum: Sustaining and Restoring the Health of Washington’s Working Forestlands - Creating an Ecosystem Services Marketplace.
Multiple presentations and discussions were recorded from this working forum. |
November |
Northwest Environmental Forum: Eastside Health - Challenges and Solutions
Spokane Convention Center│ Spokane, Washington
Multiple presentations and discussions were recorded from this working forum. |
October |
Fundamental Training and Applications of the Landscape Management System (LMS) Version 3.1
The USDA-Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) has partnered with the the Rural Technology Initiative to provide technical training in the use of the Landscape Management System (LMS) to stewardship foresters from NRCS, Conservation Districts, and the Washington Department of Natural Resources. Workshops were held on February 10, 2009 at the UW computer laboratory in Eatonville, WA. and on February 12, 2009 at the NRCS computer laboratory in Spokane, WA. In order to extend access to these workshops, the proceedings have been captured on streaming video and are presented via the web links below. Funding for this activity was provided by the Conservation Innovation Grants Program (CIG) through the USDA-NRCS. |
February |
6th Annual College of Forest Resources Graduate Student Symposium
There are 14 presentations from symposium. This collection of short streaming video presentations reflects the wide array of research being done by graduate students at the College of Forest Resources. |
March |
Washington Forest Practices Adaptive Management Science Conference
The 17 presentations from this conference were given in Olympia, Washington. This conference gives updates on the research being done by the Cooperative Monitoring Evaluation and Research Committee (CMER) of the Timber, Fish and Wildlife Program. The welcoming presentation was given by the new Washington State Lands Commissioner, Peter Goldmark. |
March |
Presentations from 2008 |
Date |
Society of American Foresters 2008 National Convention
Forestry in a Climate of Change: Tribal Forestry
RTI's Larry Mason was one of the speakers at the 2008 SAF Convention's symposium on tribal forestry. He presented along with 6 other speakers about the growing role of tribal forestry as an industry and for the protection of forestlands. |
November |
Riparian Adaptive Management Symposium -
This two day symposium was hosted at the Olympic Natural Resources Center in Forks, WA. The streaming media include audio and video segments that cover the presentations as well as the questions/discussion. |
November |
University of Washington GIS Day Lecture Series
Luke Rogers, GIS Scientist, College of Forest Resources
Lecture 1-GIS MEGAPROJECT – Building the Washington State parcel Database : a flexible database for many uses
Lecture 2-Informing the Legislature with GIS – Retaining Working Forestlands |
November |
2008 Northwest Environmental Forum:
Retaining Working Forest Land and Protecting Biodiversity -
Multiple presentations and discussions were recorded from this working forum. |
October |
Forest Harvesting Systems: Tools for Resource Management -
These forest harvesting systems videos were originally produced by the USDA Forest Service, Technology and Development Center, San Dimas, California. The VHS video tapes were converted by the Rural Technology Initiative to digital video and are now available for download or to view over the Internet. |
June |
Symposium: Identifying, protecting and restoring thermal refuges for coldwater fishes - This symposium provides case studies, applications of new technologies, and modeling approaches for understanding thermal heterogeneity and fishes in rivers of the Pacific Northwest.
Christian Torgersen (USGS/UW College of Forest Resources)
Joe Ebersole (EPA)
2008 Western Division and Oregon Chapter American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting
(There are 9 streaming video presentations from this event). |
May |
Family Forest Owner Values, Education Interests, and Demographics in Northwest Washington: A 2007 Study -
Kevin W. Zobrist, Washington State University Extension
(Society of American Foresters North Puget Sound Chapter Special Meeting)
March |
College of Forest Resources Centers: Annual Research Review -
The College administers five interdisciplinary centers, two of them jointly with other UW academic units. Centers at the UW generally focus on research and outreach. Although centers do not administer academic programs, they are an important resource for graduate and undergraduate student learning and research.
(There are 9 streaming video presentations from this event). |
April |
Analysis of LIDAR-derived bare ground model accuracy in southern California chaparral -
Andrew Cooke, UW College of Forest Resources
In defense of a Masters of Science from the UW College of Forest Resources |
April |
FOREST RESOURCES AND LIVELIHOODS: Evaluating local forest management in Barjomot Village, Tanzania -
Erik Peterson, Peace Corps Master's International
In defense of a Masters of Science from the UW College of Forest Resources |
March |
5th Annual College of Forest Resources Graduate Student Symposium -
There are 14 presentations from symposium. This collection of short streaming video presentations reflects the wide array of research being done by graduate students at the College of Forest Resources.
February |
Washington Forest Practices Adaptive Management Science Conference -
The 17 presentations from this conference were given in Olympia, Washington. This conference gives updates on the research being done by the Cooperative Monitoring Evaluation and Research Committee (CMER) of the Timber, Fish and Wildlife Program. |
February |
Getting Across: Passage of aquatic and semi-aquatic organisms at road-stream crossings -
This stream passage video set was originally produced in 2003 by the USDA Forest Service, Technology and Development Center, San Dimas, California in Cooperation with Federal Highways Administration. The VHS video tapes were converted by the Rural Technology Initiative to digital video and are now available for download or to view over the Internet. |
January |
Forest Road Maintenance Video Set (5 videos) -
The Forest Road Maintenance video set was originally produced in 2002 by the USDA Forest Service, Technology and Development Center, San Dimas, California in Cooperation with Federal Highways Administration. The VHS video tapes were converted by the Rural Technology Initiative to digital video and are now available for download or to view over the Internet.
January |
Date |
College of Forest Resources Research and Technology Showcase: "Biofuels and Bioenergy" -
Biofuel and Bioenergy are subjects that are growing as possible solutions to decrease dependence on foreign oil while also diminishing the contribution of carbon to the atmosphere. These two topics are currently being researched in earnest at the College of Forest Resources , and these presentations illustrate what we've learned so far and where more research is still needed. The Showcase includes 7 presentations and a short introduction from Dean B. Bruce Bare. |
November |
Northwest Environmental Forum: Retaining Threatened Working Forest Lands and Enhancing Biodiversity -
The Northwest Environmental Forum met on the University of Washington campus in Seattle on September 18, 2007, with 88 leaders in natural resources participating. The presentations and discussion was meant to keep stake holders current with progress in keeping Washington forest lands forested, and to garner input for future direction.
A report from the forum is available here. |
September |
Annual Update of Research College of Forest Resources Centers -
The College administers five interdisciplinary centers, two of them jointly with other UW academic units. Centers at the UW generally focus on research and outreach. Although centers do not administer
academic programs, they are an important resource for graduate and undergraduate student learning and
research. |
May |
Washington Forest Practices Adaptive Management Science Conference -
The 15 presentations from this conference were given in Olympia, Washington. This conference gives updates on the research being done by
the Cooperative Monitoring Evaluation and Research Committee (CMER) of the Timber, Fish and Wildlife Program. |
March |
College of Forest Resources Graduate Student Symposium -
There are 18 presentations from the symposium. This collection of short streaming video presentations reflects the wide array of research being done by graduate students at the College of Forest Resources. |
February |
Climate Change: Implications for Olympic Peninsula Forest Ecosystems Forum -
Held at the Olympic Natural Resources Center in Forks, Washington; this forum was designed to combine science with opportunities for forest managers and regulatory agencies who work on the Olympic Peninsula to discuss how they are evaluating science as it relates to proposed changes in management. The forum includes 15 presentations. |
February |
“Fall” Forestry Educational Seminar - “Trees, Shrubs, and Forest Floor Plants:
Get What You Want From Your Forest” -
The 8 presentations given at this seminar are meant primarily for new owners of private forest land to learn “How To” grow,
weed, thin or manage forest vegetation, including but not limited to to trees, shrubs, and forest
floor vegetation. (Scheduled in the fall, the seminar was postponed due to weather). |
The Future of Forestry in Washington State…
Vicki Christiansen, State Forester, Washington Department of Natural Resources
From the UW Student Society of American Foresters Dinner Lecture. |

Presentations from 2006 |
Date |
Stand Density Thresholds to address Mountain Pine Beetle
Susceptibility in Eastern Washington
Forests -
Elaine Oneil, Ph.D. Defense, UW College of Forest Resources |
December |
of Washington's Forest Land Base Forum -
There are 16 presentations from this Forum that cover the findings
of the five studies on timber
economics, forest
structure, and forest conversion authorized by the 2005 Legislature
in response to the 2004 Forum. The Forum was constructed to
consider the findings of the studies, as presented by the researchers
and found in the reports, and
potential policy outcomes from those findings.
November |
Experimental State Forest Templates Project -
Kevin Zobrist, RTI Forest Economist, UW's College of Forest
Resources |
November |
Remote Sensing Workshop
for Riparian Studies -
Held at the University of Washington Botanic Gardens,
Center for Urban Horticulture in Seattle. The workshop includes
9 streaming video presentations. |
November |
of Washington's Forests Roundtable -
There are 18 presentations from this Roundtable that
cover the findings of the five studies on timber economics,
forest structure, and forest conversion authorized by the
2005 Legislature in response to the 2004 Forum. |
October |
Meeting the Challenge: Invasive
Plants in PNW Ecosystems -
Held at the University of Washington Botanic Gardens, Center
for Urban Horticulture in Seattle. This conference includes 24
streaming video presentations. |
September |
Measurement and Monitoring using High-Resolution Airborne
Hans-Erik Andersen presents the continued work of the Precision Forestry Cooperative
in the remote sensing area of LIDAR (LIght Detection And Ranging). |
August |
Alternatives for a Small Landowner -
Angel Ratliff and Forest Hietpas, UW College of Forest Resources
(A Senior Project Presentation for the University of Washington
College of Forest Resources)
May |
2006 Olympic Natural Resources
Research Review -
(There are 12 presentations from this research
review) |
April |
Bio-Energy Forum: Sharing experiences and exploring the
future of bio-energy in the
coastal region -
(There are 11 presentations from
this forum) |

Date |
Fall Forestry Seminar -
(There are 13 presentations from this
December |
Building Subassemblies and their Components: The Impact
of Product Selection and Design
on Fossil Fuel Consumption over a Life Cycle -
Lucy Edmonds, College of Forest Resources, University of Washington |
November |
Management Templates for Increased Biodiversity and Economic
Viability in Intensively Managed
Forests -
Kevin Zobrist, RTI Forest Economist, UW's College
of Forest Resources |
September |
Stand Density Thresholds to Address Mountain Pine Beetle
Risk in Eastern Washington Forests -
Elaine Oneil in defense of her PhD Thesis Proposal |
August |
Gas Emissions from Pacific Northwest Douglas-fir Forestry
Operations: Implications for
Forest Management -
Edie Sonne Hall in defense of her Doctor of Philosophy degree |
May |
Influencing Understory Douglas-fir Vigor in Multi-Cohort
Prairie Colonization Stands
at Fort Lewis, Washington -
Derek John Churchill in defense of his Masters of Science degree |
May |
Contour-Based Route Projection for Preliminary Forest Road
Designs Using GIS -
Luke W. Rogers in defense of his Masters of Science degree |
May |
Environmental Quality of Residential Construction using
LCI & LCA: the role
of processes, products and design -
Bruce Lippke, President CORRIM, Professor and Director Rural
Technology Initiative
May |
Management Alternatives for St. Gertrude’s
Monastery Cottonwood, Idaho-
Brian Spradlin & Daisuke
Sakuma present their senior project for the College of Forest
Resources |
June |
Symposium Red Alder: A State of Knowledge -
(There are 45 presentations
from this 3 day symposium) |
March |
Alder: It's worth more than you may think -
Grant W. Sharpe, Professor
Emeritus, UW CFR &
Laurence B. Istvan, Ph.D., UW CFR
(Originally produced for the Western Hardwood Association in 1985. Presented
the International Symposium on Red Alder: A State of Knowledge). |
March |
Rural Technology Initiative Technical Review Meeting -
(There are 19 presentations from this
technical review) |

Date |
Fall Forestry Educational Seminar: Forest Technology -
(There are 5 presentations from this seminar) |
November |
Video Tutorial: Using Microsoft Producer with PowerPoint -
Luke Rogers, Research Scientist/Engineer, RTI |
October |
Current and Potential Future Wildlife Habitat Conditions:
the LMS and Wildlife Habitat Analyses -
Kevin Ceder, Forest Technology Specialist |
June |
An Innovative Assessment Procedure for
Riparian Management -
Kevin R. Gehringer, Ph.D.,Postdoctoral
Researcher, UW College of Forest Resources |
June |
Stand Level Fire Risk to the Landscape Level: Fire Risk
Assessment Using FFE-FVS with the Landscape
Management System -
Kevin Ceder, Forest Technology Specialist,
(Originally presented at the Western Mensurationists Meeting) |
June |
Rural Technology Initiative Technical Review Meeting -
(There are 11 presentations from this
technical review) |
February |
Introduction to Geographic Information
Systems in Forest Resources -
(There are 20 streaming video lectures, recorded during the 2003 autumn quarter
at the University of Washington's College of Forest Resources.)
*This college course introduces the technical use of geographic information systems (GIS) in natural resource management and earth sciences. The course is directed at giving students an understanding of, and experience with, the practical use of GIS software, hardware, and data. Lab exercises and course projects will use real-world datasets. |

Date |
for Survival of the Northwest Forest Sector: An Integrated
Approach -
(There are 14 presentations from this conference)
November |
Fall Forestry Educational Seminar: Wildlife in Working Forests -
(There are 5 presentations from this seminar)
November |
Removal Project Strategies: Design, Layout, and Administration -
Larry Mason, Project Coordinator, RTI |
October |
Integrated Process for Developing an Alternate Plan Template
for Overstocked Stands -
Kevin Zobrist, Forest Management and Economics Analyst, RTI |
August |
Planning for small forest landowners in eastern Washington
under the Forest and Fish Rules -
Elaine Oneil, Postgraduate Researcher, RTI |
August |
Management System: New Applications for Private Forest
Owners -
Larry Mason, Project Coordinator, RTI |
August |
Oak Death Informational Meeting -
(There are 18 presentations from this
informational meeting)
July |
Investigation of Alternative Fuel Removal Strategies -
Heather Rogers in defense of her Masters of Science degree |
June |
Management Zones, UW Pack Forest Field Trip -
Guided by Larry Mason during the Washington Hardwoods Committee
Annual Meeting |
May |
Rural Technology Initiative Annual Technical Review -
(There are 22 presentations from this technical
review) |
