The Rural Technology Initiative
List of Topics on this page
2011 Northwest Environmental Forum
Forest Watershed Services: Forests for Fish, Forests for Faucets
The June 2011 Northwest Environmental Forum (NWEF) is intended to help launch a collaborative initiative to develop and implement a demonstration forest watershed services market project in 2011-12, in order to generate useful transaction evidence, in response to legislative direction in Engrossed Substitute House Bill (ESHB) 2541. The intended outcome of the Forum is to flesh out key aspects of the project and secure commitments to participate in an initial project workgroup or workgroups.

Streaming Video Presentations
University of Washington, Seattle
February 25, 2011
This collection of short streaming video presentations reflects the wide array of research being done by graduate students at the College of Forest Resources. |
June 2009
At the request of the Washington State Legislature, a thorough investigation of the potential for utilization of wood for renewable energy in Washington has been conducted by University of Washington scientists. This report represents a synthesis of information and analysis provided from many sources. |
The Washington Resource Lands webpage consists of information stemming from the Washington State Forestland Database and the Small Forest Landowner Database. The collection, compilation, and assessment of data derived from these databases is the core of the 2007 Washington State Forestland Database: Final Report . Go to the Washington Resource Lands page for other reports, informative tables, and statewide maps! |

Society of American Foresters 2008 National Convention
November 5-9 • Reno, Nevada
The Rural Technology Initiative was invited to present at the SAF Convention in the Tribal Forestry
session. The complete session was video recorded and can be accessed by following the link above.
Larry Mason represented the College of Forest Resources, and presented during the session. His streaming video presentation is available with the others using the link above. Alternatively, you can view PDF of his presentation Tribal Forestry - Increasingly Important yet Underappreciated. You can reveal the notes for each slide by holding your cursor over the icon in the upper-left corner ( ).

November 3-4, 2008
University of Washington • Olympic Natural Resources Center
1455 S Forks Avenue • Forks, Washington
This two day symposium was hosted at the Olympic Natural Resources Center in Forks, WA. The streaming media include audio and video segments that cover the presentations as well as the questions/discussion. |
Report to the Washington State Legislature
August 2008
The Rural Technology Initiative, University of Washington
The Transportation Research Group,
Washington State University
(C. Larry Mason, Kenneth L. Casavant, Bruce R. Lippke,
Diem K. Nguyen, and Eric Jessup)
Here's a related article from the University of Washington News. |

2008 Bioenergy Conference and Exhibition
Prince George, BC
June 2, 2008
This PDF is the presentation given at the conference by Larry Mason of the Rural Technology Initiative. To see the narrative text that accompanies this presentation, place your mouse cursor over the icon in the upper left corner of each slide. |

core of the learning process for this module is a series
of targeted, interactive lessons that progressively build
on principles and applications of forest economics. *Click
here to go to the Economagic web page .
site was funded through CSREES and built by Kevin Zobrist
and Matt McLaughlin of the Rural Technology Initiative.
It is hosted outside of the RTI website at forestandrange.org,
and requires free registration. |

This website is funded by RTI and WSU Department of Natural
Resource Sciences. It is intended for the small-scale forest
landowner who is faced with the many tasks required to maintain
a healthy, productive woodlot. These activities may include:
pre-commercial thinning, pruning, fire hazard reduction, snag
creation, dead wood placement, herbicide or fertilizer application,
seeding roads and trails, tree planting, and other improvement
work. You can do much good for your woodlot and at the same
time derive great pleasure in doing this work when you know
what needs to be done and what tools can best and most economically
help you do the job. This web site has been developed to show
you some of these tools. |

a higher education in resource sciences:
The use and preservation of our natural resources is an
issue of extreme importance. How better to make a difference
in this area than to study a natural science at UW or WSU?
Both schools work with RTI in the effort of making current
technologies available in rural communities. There are
a wide variety of scholarships available. If this interests
you, please contact the following institutions. |
of Natural Resource Sciences |
The Student
Services office is staffed by:
Undergraduate Contact:
Salas-Haynes, Undergraduate Counseling Services Coordinator
Graduate Program Contacts:
Amanda Davis, Graduate Counseling Services Coordinator;
Student Services Phone # (206) 543-7081
Be sure to ask about available undergraduate and graduate
scholarship and financial assistance programs! |
The Department of Natural Resource
Sciences is well-positioned to serve the educational needs
of students with an interest in a wide variety of natural
resource and environmental fields, issues and career aspirations.
Go to the link below and navigate to the information that
best relates to your desired field of study.
of Natural Resource Sciences

Landscape Management
System (LMS), LMS Analyst, LMS Economatic, LMS
Inventory Wizard, Pegger, Stand Visualization
System (SVS), Environmental Visualization System

Much of RTI's work requires published documentation.
This ranges from short fact sheets to large reports.
You can view all of our publications by using the
"Publications" link on the menu to
the left, or you can go straight to our most recent
publications by clicking here.

The Rural Technology Home Page is provided by the College of Forest
Resources. For more information, please contact the Rural
Technology Initiative, University of Washington Box 352100 Seattle,
WA 98195, (206) 543-0827. © 2000-2004, University of Washington, Rural
Technology Initiative, including all photographs and images unless otherwise
noted. To view the www.ruraltech.org privacy policy, click