Forestry Tools and References
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Pegger is designed to assist the landowner in the initial
design of forest roads. Using a contour theme Pegger can "peg
in" a road from any point on the landscape at any grade.
Pegger allows for quick analysis of alternative road designs
in a GIS environment where other analysis tools can assist
the planner in making educated decisions about road location.
Pegger also assists in the editing of existing road themes
by making available merge and spline functions to combine
and smooth existing road data.
Click here to view a streaming video presentation of Pegger. |

CULSED is a GIS decision support tool that runs within ArcMap
8.2. It was programmed by UW College of Forest Resources graduate
student Flo Damian, and uses culvert placement as a method
for reducing sediment delivery to stream networks from forest
roads. For more information and a free download, click
here. |
Modeling Overland Flow |

LMS is an evolving application designed to assist in landscape
level analysis and planning of forest ecosystems by automating
the tasks of stand projection, graphical and tabular summarization,
stand visualization, and landscape visualization. LMS is implemented
as a Microsoft Windows (TM) application that coordinates the
activities of other programs (projection models, visualization
tools, etc.) that makeup the overall system. Click on the link
above to access the Free LMS Download page. Below is
a report that summarizes the use of LMS to manage a tree farm
located 20 miles west of Mt. Rainier. |
Mission: The Cradle
of Forestry in America Interpretive
Association, in cooperation with the Cradle of Forestry in
America, the USDA Forest Service, and other partners, will
make available to this and future generations the birthplace
of forestry and forestry education in America and will promote,
demonstrate, and stimulate interest in and knowledge of the
sustainable management of America's forest lands for the multiple
benefits. |
By: Christopher Townsend
Coburg Tree Farms
In 2002, the Coburg tree farm had identified
a problem (declining growth in a too-tightly packed forest),
and a possible solution (pay for thinning by selling poles).
The solution to the problem asked questions like:
- How many trees should be taken?
- How many trees per acre should remain?
- Which trees should be thinned out?
- Is thinning really the best answer?
Aiding the Townsend family in the decision making process
was the Landscape Management System (LMS). Click
here to read a pdf of the report (to read this report, Adobe
Reader is needed ). |

Forest stand boundaries on an analytically
hillshaded digital elevation model arrows indicate calculated
mean aspect per stand. |
LMS Analyst is an Arcview extension to assist in the creation
of Landscape Management System landscape portfolios. The current
version calculates zonal mean slope, aspect and elevation
for stands using a digital elevation model.
LMS Analyst was designed and written by Phil Hurvitz - (phurvitz u.washington.edu)
College of Forest Resources GIS guru and wizard. See some
of Phil's other work on his homepage. |

The LMS Inventory Wizard is a tool to help foresters and
landowners import their forest data into the Landscape Management
System (LMS). Users can enter their inventory plot data into
on-screen forms, and the inventory wizard will then generate
files that can be imported into LMS.
The LMS Inventory Wizard runs on Windows-based computers
that have Microsoft Access installed.
The LMS Inventory Wizard was developed by the Rural Technology
Initiative at the University of Washington and is available
for free download below. There is also a tutorial available
to demonstrate how to use this tool to create LMS portfolios.
to the Free LMS Inventory Wizard download page. |
LMS Economatic
The “Economatic” is a spreadsheet-based economic
and financial analysis companion program for the Landscape
Management System (LMS). It takes management simulation data
directly from LMS and automatically computes a variety of
economic values such as discounted cash flow, soil expectation
value, and internal rate of return. The interface is easy
to use, and users can completely customize costs, prices,
tax rates, and other input parameters. Results are summarized
at both the stand and landscape level in a series of useful
tables and charts.
to the Free LMS Economatic download page.
SVS is a product of the USDA Forest Service, Pacific Northwest
Research Station. The program is used to generate graphic images
depicting stand conditions represented by a list of individual
stand components, e.g., trees, shrubs, and down material. The
images produced by SVS, while abstract, provide a readily understood
representation of stand conditions. Images produced using SVS
help communicate silvicultural treatments and forest management
alternatives to a variety of audiences. |
EnVision is also a product of the USDA Forest Service, Pacific
Northwest Research Station. It is designed to be a full featured
rendering system for stand- and landscape-scale images. Applicable
projects range from a few to several thousand acres. For more
information and a Free Download of Envision, click on the link
above. |

Forestry References
WSU Cooperative
Extension Natural Resource Sciences has put together a list
of some of the Forestry Consultants for the state of Washington
and neighboring states. The link above will take you to
the WSU directory information page. |
Did you know that when you cut timber in Washington,
you owe the Forest Excise Tax? This video walks small
timber harvesters through each step needed to fill out
their Washington State Forest Excise Tax Return.
Very few sections of the Internal Revenue Code are written
specifically for timber. This means there is a considerable
amount of interpretation involved. This website was developed
to be used by timberland owners, as well as a reference
source for accountants, attorneys, consulting foresters
and other professionals who work with timberland owners
by answering specific questions regarding the tax treatment
of timber. |
TDSS was developed and made available by the Texas Forestry
Service. It provides excellent information on some common financial
concepts, along with easy-to-use calculators to facilitate
your decision making process. Anyone looking to make
a forestry related investment should check out this site.
Search for log buyers in Oregon, Northern California, and
Southwest Washington using the Oregon Log Buyer Database.
Developed by Oregon State University Extension Service forestry
faculty, the database is organized by county and offers
information on the log requirements of each company listed,
as well as contact information. |
Use public forestry data to find out current forest harvest
volumes in Washington and the tax applied to their sales. You
can also compare current data with historical trends. |

CINTRAFOR has added an on-line directory of value-added manufacturers
to its website. The directory is searchable by product, company
name or location, and includes an alphabetic listing of companies
as well.
The Rural Technology Home Page is provided by the College of Forest
Resources. For more information, please contact the Rural
Technology Initiative, University of Washington Box 352100 Seattle,
WA 98195, (206) 543-0827. © 2000-2004, University of Washington, Rural
Technology Initiative, including all photographs and images unless otherwise
noted. To view the www.ruraltech.org privacy policy, click