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Lesson 1 Quiz:
Mapping Your Forest

1. Which of the following best describes a stand?

2. Which of the following characteristics would be used to differentiate between stands?

3. Suppose you have a 20-acre stand of conifers. In the middle of this stand is a small (less than 1/4 acre) area of hardwoods around a seasonal spring. The area is too small to manage by itself, but it is very different from the surrounding coniferous vegetation. Should it be treated as a separate stand?

4. Suppose you are looking at an aerial photo of your property. You notice two distinct areas that have different color and texture. What should you do next?

5. Suppose your overlay your 40-acre property with an acreage grid and count a total of 142 squares. 53 of these squares fall in a given stand. What is the approximate acreage of that stand?


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