How To Use This Module
The core of this module is comprised of ten individual lessons. The lessons follow a sequence, with each lesson building on the concepts covered in the preceding lessons. For this reason, we recommend that lessons be viewed in order. However, depending on your situation, you may not need to complete all of the lessons:
- Lesson 5 is intended for more advanced users. Novice users may wish to skip this lesson.
- Lessons 7 – 9 are designed for use with a computer program called the Landscape Management System (LMS). Some users may not wish (or be able) to utilize this additional computer program, in which case these lessons would not apply.
- Lesson 10 is provided as an alternative to Lessons 7 – 9 for users who do not intend to use LMS. Users that do intend to use LMS may wish to skip Lesson 10 (though advanced users may still find this lesson interesting).
Summary of “learning track” options:
- Novice users who intend to utilize the LMS Program should complete:
- Lessons 1 – 4
- Lessons 6 – 9
- Novice users who do not intend to utilize the LMS Program should complete:
- Lessons 1 – 4
- Lesson 6
- Lesson 10
- Advanced users who intend to utilize the LMS Program should complete:
- Advanced users who do not intend to utilize the LMS Program should complete:
Here are some tips to complete each lesson successfully:
- Make sure you have the materials you need to complete each lesson. More information about the materials you will need to complete this module is available on the Materials Needed page.
- Watch the short video clips included in the lessons to get a better feel for how to carry out various steps in the inventory process.
Look for this icon to find the video clips:
- Visit the glossary to learn about or get a refresher on definitions of various inventory terms. Terms that are included in the glossary will be marked in bold in the lessons and hyperlinked directly to their definitions.
- Complete the short quiz at the end of each lesson to check your understanding of key concepts.
- Complete the On Your Own exercises that are included in each lesson. The best way to learn is by doing!
Look for this icon to find the On Your Own exercise: 
- Work on the lessons together with friends, family, and/or neighbors. If you are part of a local landowner group, work with other members and learn from each other. You can also connect with other landowners working on this module.
- Enlist the help of your local Extension Forester, who can provide you with local insights and resources as you work on your forest inventory.