Forest and Fish regulations now require
landowners to develop a plan for road management that avoids the
potential of slope failure and unwanted sedimentation runoff before obtaining
harvest permits. Below are some informational links that expand
on Road Management and Abandonment Plan (RMAP), and provide resources
for implementing such plans.
Forest Road Maintenance Video Set
The Forest Road Maintenance video set was originally produced in 2002 by the USDA Forest Service, Technology and Development Center, San Dimas, California in Cooperation with Federal Highways Administration. The VHS video tapes were converted by the Rural Technology Initiative to digital video and are now available for download or to view over the Internet. |
Roads and the Environment
(MP4, 512 kbps WMV, download 270 MB wmv file)
A visually pleasing overview of how the road and environment
interact with each other. This introduction to maintenance
of low volume roads highlights several issues that benefit
from proper maintenance activities, including water temperature,
fish habitat and aggregate surfacing loss. (18 minutes) |
the Traveled Way
(MP4, 512 kbps WMV, download 246 MB wmv file)
Learn to quickly identify what the road is "saying".
This segment focuses on understanding what the condition of
the road is and providing insights on how to proactively avoid
costly repairs by properly addressing the road in its current
condition. (16 minutes)
- Rutting, Washboarding, Potholes, Cracks
- Destroyed Road Template
- Flour
- Loss of Surfacing
- Excessive Vegetation
- Water Bypassing the Surface Cross Drains
- Damaged or Filled Cattleguards
- Damage to Bridges
- Damage to Fords
Beyond the Traveled Way
(MP4, 512 kbps WMV, download 253 MB wmv file)
Properly maintained roads require an understanding of what
is happening beyond the road surface. Considering the natural
functions before beginning maintenance operations can help
minimize significant impacts to the road. (16:30 minutes)
- Gullies
- Cracks and Slumps
- Roadside Ditch
- Ditch Relief Culverts
- Live Stream Culverts
- Brush Removal
and Reshaping the Traveled Way
(MP4, 512 kbps WMV, download 266 MB wmv file)
This video covers detailed step by step process used for
both smoothing and reshaping a road. (17:30 minutes)
- Crowned Roads
- Insloped Roads
- Outsloped Roads
- Transition Sections
the Ditch and Surface Cross Drains
(MP4, 512 kbps WMV, download 243 MB wmv file)
This provides comprehensive instructions for correctly constructing
and maintaining ditches, culverts and various surface cross
drains. Highlighted in this video are surface cross drains
such as rolling dips, earthen water bars and interceptor dips.
(16 minutes)
- Heeling the Ditch
- Pulling the Ditch
- Maintaining Surface Cross Drains
- Rolling Drain Dips
- Interceptor Dips
- Earthen Water Bars
- Open-Top Drainage Devices
The USDA Forest Service has developed this
information for the guidance of it employees, its contractors,
and its cooperating Federal and State agencies, and is not
responsible for the interpretation or use of this information
by anyone except its own employees.
The use of trade, firm, or corporation
names in this video is for the information and convenience
of the viewer, and does not constitute an endorsement by the
Department of Agriculture for any product or service to the
exclusion of others that may be suitable.
Road Related Publications:
- "Roads
on Small Acreage Forests in Washington" was
published in a WSU Cooperative Extension bulletin describing
road construction maintenance and regulation issues on
small acreage tracts.
- The USDA Forest Service has made "A
Landowner's Guide to Building Forest Access Roads" by
Richard L. Wiest, available on-line at their web site.
You can also order a FREE printed copy from the same
- The Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife has produced
a manual called "Fish Passage Design at Road Culverts" for
the design of permanent new, retrofit, or replacement road
crossing culverts. Click
here for the pdf (Adobe
Acrobat Reader is needed to view this file).
Road Related Software:
- Pegger:
A road layout extension program to provide computerized
road pegging is available for download.
- CulSed:
A new decision support tool for cross drain culvert design
developed by research assistants and staff at the RTI.
A free working product will be available in 2003.
- For more CulSed information, click
Road Management and Abandonment Plan Research:
- The nature of the economic impacts from RMAPs and the
associated road upgrade costs are different for Eastside
landowners compared to the Westside. For information on
the economic impacts of RMAP in Eastern Washington, click
here. For Western Washington, click
