Final Technical Report to the National Commission
on Science for Sustainable Forestry (NCSSF)
July 31, 2005
Kevin W. Zobrist
Research Scientist
Rural Technology Initiative
University of Washington
College of Forest Resources
Box 352100
Seattle, WA 98195-2100
(206) 543-0827
Thomas M. Hinckley
University of Washington
College of Forest Resources
Michael G. Andreu
Assistant Professor
University of Florida - IFAS
School of Forest Resources and Conservation
The National Commission on Science for Sustainable Forestry (NCSSF)
sponsored the research described in this report. The National
Council on Science and the Environment (NCSE) conducts the NCSSF
program with support from the Doris Duke Charitable Foundation,
the David and Lucile Packard Foundation, the Surdna Foundation,
and the National Forest Foundation.
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I. Introduction
When European settlers first arrived in North America, it is estimated
that the South had 200 million acres in pine, mixed oak, and
other forest systems. Pine savannahs and open woodlands containing
(Pinus palustris), loblolly (P. taeda), shortleaf (P.
slash (P. elliottii) and pond (P. serotina) pine dominated. Of
these species, it is estimated that longleaf pine ecosystems
may have covered over 60 million acres1 (Bragg 2002, Wahlenberg
Longleaf pine stands were often characterized by a single species
overstory, a sparse mid-story/shrub layer, and a well-developed
and species-rich ground layer. Frequent, low intensity fires,
natural or anthropogenic in origin, were the primary disturbance
(Noss 1988, Van Lear et al. 2004). These stands were also known
for the diversity of wildlife, particularly game species, they
harbored. Trees in these stands were often very large (Table
1) and ranged as old as 600 plus years. Today, there are only about
3 million acres of longleaf pine forest, of which only 12,000
regarded as old-growth (Bragg 2002). These old growth stands
are now recognized for the habitat that they provide for dozens
threatened species (Bragg 2002, Noss 1988).
Table 1. Heights and diameters of old growth pines in the
south and southeast (Bragg 2002). |
Species |
Height (feet) |
Diameter at breast height (inches) |
Loblolly pine |
145 -180 |
39 - 65 |
Longleaf pine |
85 - 130 |
27 - 45 |
Shortleaf pine |
85 - 140 |
35 - 50 |
Nearly 90% of the forestland in the South today is in private
ownership (Wicker 2002), and much of it is comprised of dense plantations
of fast-growing loblolly pine. The management intensity of these
plantations has been increasing in recent decades (Siry 2002).
At the same time, private landowners are facing an increasing demand
to provide for broad, non-timber values such as biodiversity on
these lands, which can lead to conflict over forest management
Forest plantations have long been negatively characterized as
biological “deserts” in which concern for wildlife
is limited to key game species (Margolin 1970). While it is true
that today’s dense loblolly pine plantations are different
from the natural, open pine stands that were historically prevalent
throughout the South, these intensively managed forests can still
contribute to biodiversity on the landscape (Wigley et al. 2000).
This contribution may fall short relative to natural forests, but
it may compare favorably to other competing land uses such as agriculture
or urbanization (Moore and Allen 1999).
At any rate, because of their prevalence in the region, intensively
managed plantations have a significant potential impact on the
level of biodiversity. Stand-level management changes can be made
that can readily support increased biodiversity in these plantations.
Even minor changes can significantly improve biodiversity values
(Hartley 2002, Johnson et al. 1975). Some of these changes may
be complimentary with timber production and economic goals; others
may involve some costs and trade-offs (Allen et al. 1996, Buongiorno
et al. 2004, Hunter 1990). In this paper we review the literature
to identify a spectrum of practices that support increased biodiversity
in intensively managed loblolly pine plantations.
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II. Management practices to support increased biodiversity
Biodiversity has several definitions, the simplest being a variety
of life. Many definitions further specify that the definition includes
all types of organisms as well as genotypes and even ecological
processes and their inter-relationships (Hunter 1990, Oliver 1992,
Reid and Miller 1989).2 There is no single forest type or structure
that maximizes biodiversity. Different species have different habitat
requirements such that structures that support some species may
not support others (Dickson and Wigley 2001). Even individual species
require habitat diversity (Johnson et al. 1975). Thus the overall
key to supporting a variety and abundance of species is to provide
a diversity of structure and vegetation (Allen et al. 1996, Harris
et al. 1979, Marion et al. 1986, Sharitz et al. 1992). This includes
both within stand diversity and between stand diversity (Marion
and Harris 1982, Thill 1990).
An important way to increase within-stand structural diversity
is to maintain a lower overstory density. A more open canopy allows
a diverse understory to develop, which provides forage and habitat
for wildlife. Even plantations established with intensive site
preparation are often very diverse in the early years as long as
the canopy is open, but as the canopy closes this diversity rapidly
decreases (Baker and Hunter 2002). Once the canopy closes, the
stand moves into the stem exclusion stage that shades out the understory
vegetation and subsequently lacks wildlife (Oliver and Larson 1990).
Minimizing this stage can allow a stand to support more biodiversity
over a given rotation. Maintaining an open canopy with a productive
understory also makes plantations more similar to the diverse,
natural pine communities that existed historically in this region
(Bragg 2002, Noss 1988, Van Lear et al. 2004).
One way to maintain lower stand density for biodiversity is by
planting at a lower density. A wider spacing, such as 12 feet,
delays canopy closure, extending the more diverse early-successional
stages (Dickson 1982, Johnson et al. 1975, Melchiors 1991). In
addition to delaying canopy closure, a wider spacing between rows
can also allow disking or mowing to help maintain a productive
understory (Allen et al. 1996). A wider planting spacing may be
undesirable, though, because of the resulting decreased wood quality.
In this case a closer spacing followed by thinning may be a more
desirable approach (Van Lear et al. 2004).
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Perhaps the most important way to establish and maintain an open,
diverse structure is by thinning. Thinning has been found to benefit
numerous individual wildlife species such as deer (Blair 1960,
Halls 1973, Hurst and Warren 1980), quail (Dougherty 2004), small
mammals (Mengak and Guynn 2003), turkeys (Mississippi State University
Extension Service 2004), nuthatches (Wilson and Watts 1999), and
other birds (Turner et al. 2002). Thinning early and often is widely
recognized as an important component of an overall strategy to
increase biodiversity (Hunter 1990, Marion et al. 1986). This minimizes
the time in the stem exclusion stage and can maintain and further
develop an open, diverse structure throughout the rotation. In
addition to stimulating the herbaceous understory by allowing light
to reach the forest floor (Harrington and Edwards 1999, Schultz
1997), thinning also facilitates additional understory management
such as disking or burning (Johnson et al. 1975), and it increases
the understory response to such treatments (Melchiors 1991, Tucker
et al. 1998).
Van Lear et al. (2004) suggest that a commercial thinning be done
by the time a plantation reaches age 15. Hurst and Warren (1980)
suggest that it be done as early as age 12 if no pre-commercial
thinning was done. The recommended frequency of thinning to maintain
an open stand structure is usually around five years (Blair and
Enghardt 1976, Conroy et al. 1982, Halls 1973, Hunter 1990, Schultz
1997). Maintaining an open stand structure requires heavier thinning
than for timber production, with a target of 50-70 ft2/acre of
residual basal area (Blair and Enghardt 1976, Halls 1973, Van Lear
et al. 2004). A residual basal area of 80 ft2/acre is usually considered
a minimum for timber production and economic return (Siry 2002,
Siry et al. 2001).
A potential problem with thinning to open up the pine overstory
is that it can allow understory hardwoods to develop into a dense
midstory. Hardwoods produce heavy shade that inhibits understory
vegetation (Blair and Enghardt 1976, Dickson and Wigley 2001, Schultz
1997, Tappe et al. 1993). Thinning can also increase vines and
shrubs, which further shade out the herbaceous layer (Harrington
and Edwards 1999). Thus, without controlling hardwoods and other
woody vegetation, thinning can ultimately result in a less productive
and less diverse understory (Blair and Feduccia 1977, Hunter 1990).
A hardwood midstory can add vertical stratification and benefit
some midstory-associated birds (Dickson 1982, Melchiors 1991, Turner
et al. 2002). However, a hardwood midstory is generally undesirable
for most wildlife, including deer, small mammals, and other birds
(Dickson 1982, Lohr et al. 2002, Melchiors 1991, Wilson and Watts
While a dense midstory is undesirable, some hardwoods are necessary
for supporting biodiversity. Mature hardwoods such as oaks provide
hard mast that is important for many wildlife species (Dickson
1982, Dickson and Wigley 2001, Johnson 1987, Johnson et al. 1975).
Maintaining a desirable component of hardwoods can improve wildlife
habitat (Tappe et al. 1993). When controlling hardwoods, individual
fruit or mast producing trees can be selectively retained (Blair
1967, Blair and Feduccia 1977). Maintaining whole areas of hardwoods
is also important. An interspersion of hardwood and pine forest
types provides good wildlife habitat (Shultz 1997). Hardwoods should
especially be maintained in sensitive areas such as bottomlands
and drainages (Halls 1973, Johnson et al. 1975). Hardwood maintenance
should generally stay focused on hardwood sites (Johnson 1987).
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In historic, natural pine stands, frequent low-intensity fires
helped to control hardwoods and maintain an open stand structure
with a productive and diverse understory (Noss 1988, Van Lear et
al. 2004). Frequent low-intensity fires tend to favor growth of
herbaceous vegetation by suppressing hardwoods and other woody
vegetation (Reed et al. 1994). Prescribed burning can be used in
conjunction with thinning in intensively managed plantations to
achieve desired conditions that support increased biodiversity.
Many of the plants and animals associated with southern pine communities
are adapted to or even dependent on fire, and wildlife mortality
from fire is generally very low (Landers 1987, Means and Campbell
1981, Moorman 2002). Regular burning improves habitat for many
species, including deer (Dickson 1982, Halls 1973, Hurst et al.
1980, Marion et al. 1986), quail (Dougherty 2004), turkey (Marion
et al. 1986, Mississippi State University Extension Service 2004),
amphibians and reptiles (Means and Campbell 1981), and Bachman’s
sparrow (Tucker et al. 1998). To help provide for a broad suite
of species in the short and long term, areas should not be burned
evenly, but rather patches of unburned areas should be left to
provide for nesting and cover (Landers 1987, Moorman 2002).
Prescribed burning is recommended when the dominant pine trees
are 15 feet tall (Halls 1973, Moorman 2002). Recommended burning
intervals range from 3-6 years (Blair and Enghardt 1976, Blair
and Feduccia 1977, Halls 1973, Mississippi State Extension Service
2004, Schultz 1997). Marion et al. (1986) suggest 3-5 years to
allow enough time for browse and cover to develop, as well as enough
fuel to carry the next fire. Historically, longleaf pine communities
in Florida burned naturally every 2-5 years (Noss 1988). Prescribed
burning should not be overdone, or the cumulative impacts could
become negative in the long term (Melchiors 1991). For example,
if burning is done too frequently, such as annually, it can eliminate
hardwoods altogether, (Dickson 1982, Grano 1970, Schultz 1997).
Complete loss of the hardwood component would have a negative impact
on biodiversity.
Many authors recommend burning in winter (Allen et al. 1986, Blair
and Feduccia 1977, Halls 1973, Mississippi State Extension Service
2004, Schultz 1997). However, Robbins and Myers (1992) note that
varying both the season and the frequency of burning avoids favoring
only one suite of species. Adding this element of variability can
increase overall stand diversity. Coordinating burning with thinning
is also important. Thinning increases the effectiveness of prescribed
burning for wildlife (Hurst and Warren 1982, Melchiors 1991, Tucker
et al. 1998). Burning before thinning can make thinning easier
(Hurst et al. 1980), and it avoids the problem of the fire burning
too intensely in the slash from the thinned trees (Van Lear et
al. 2004).
An alternative to prescribed burning for the control of nonpine
woody vegetation is to use herbicides (Dickson and Wigley 2001,
Harrington and Edwards 1999). Herbicides can be less costly than
burning and may be especially desirable where burning opportunities
are limited (Wigley et al. 2002). Normal applications of herbicides
are generally not directly toxic to wildlife (McComb and Hurst
1987). Herbicides may have a longer residual effect on understory
diversity than prescribed burning or mechanical vegetation control
(Hunter 1990). Nonetheless, vegetation seems to recover quickly
within 1-3 years (Keyser et al. 2003, Reed et al. 2004). A longer
term study found no significant impact on floristic diversity 11
years after herbicide treatment (Miller et al. 1999).
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The intensity and methods of site preparation for controlling
vegetation at the beginning of the rotation should also be considered
when managing pine plantations for increased biodiversity. More
intensive site preparation favors grass and forbs, while less intensive
site preparation favors vines and woody vegetation (Johnson 1975,
Locascio et al. 1990). More intensive site preparation also reduces
the availability of fruit for wildlife (Hunter 1990, Stransky and
Roese 1984). Thus, while intensive site preparation can benefit
some game species like deer, less intensive site preparation is
generally better for a diversity of wildlife (Marion and Harris
1982, Marion et al. 1986). Locascio et al. (1990) found that moderate
intensity site preparation produced the greatest understory biomass,
and moderate intensity treatments may be the most cost effective,
especially for non-industrial landowners. In terms of site preparation
methods, Locascio et al. (1991) observed that mechanical site preparation
(shear, chop, disk, etc.) did not seem to diminish understory plant
diversity. Mechanical methods may provide for greater understory
diversity and food production compared to herbicides (Fredericksen
et al. 1991, Keyser et al. 2003). Burning may also be a desirable
option for stimulating stored seeds (Hunter 1990).
Other management activities like fertilization and pruning can
also impact biodiversity. Use of fertilization in pine plantations
has increased in recent decades, though it is mostly done on industry
lands (Siry 2002). The impacts of fertilization on biodiversity
are somewhat mixed. Fertilization can improve understory food production
for wildlife, especially in stands that have been thinned (Hunter
1990, Hurst and Warren 1982, Melchiors 1991). Fertilization can
also accelerate canopy closure, though, which can offset wildlife
benefits (Dickson and Wigley 2001). Thus fertilization treatments
should be done in conjunction with thinning to maximize wildlife
benefits. Pruning can benefit biodiversity by increasing understory
vegetation (Baker and Hunter 2002, Hurst and Warren 1982) as well
as creating more horizontal openings.
Another way to support increased biodiversity in pine plantations
is by retaining key structural features such as snags, coarse woody
debris, and mature live trees. These elements add additional structural
complexity that benefits a wide range of wildlife (Allen et al.
1996, Baker and Hunter 2002, Dickson and Wigley 2001, Lohr et al.
2002, Marion et al. 1986, Sharitz et al. 1992). Maintaining riparian
buffers, or streamside management zones, can provide for some of
these elements (Dickson and Wigley 2001, Thill 1990). Riparian
buffers further contribute to biodiversity by providing for aquatic
species and water quality (Baker and Hunter 2002) and by providing
habitat connectivity (Dickson and Wigley 2001, Johnson 1987).
All of the management practices described above will be most effective
if done in conjunction with longer rotations. Pulpwood rotations
can be as short as 20 years (Biblis et al. 1998, Melchiors 1991).
Short rotation management limits pine plantations to early successional
structures and does not provide for species needing older seral
stages (Johnson et al. 1975). Because of the dominance of short
rotations, older seral stages are becoming rare in the region (Allen
et al. 1996). Managing for longer rotations can increase diversity
(Sharitz et al. 1992). Rotations of 40-100 years can provide for
long-term wildlife forage as well as key habitat elements such
as hardwood mast, snags, and cavities (Melchiors 1991).
Longer rotations can impact economic returns. Because future revenues
are discounted, longer rotations must produce significantly more
revenue to be economically competitive with shorter rotations.
Dean and Chang (2002) found that economic performance decreased
with increasing rotation length. In contrast, Biblis et al. (1998)
noted that 50-year sawtimber rotations performed better economically
than 20-year pulpwood rotations if the target rate of return was
7% or less. Ultimately it depends on the relative prices of pulpwood
and sawtimber and the rate of return that is acceptable to the
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III. Other considerations
In looking at management practices to increase biodiversity in
intensively managed loblolly pine plantations, some additional
considerations should be made. The management practices described
in this paper are geared towards increasing stand-level biodiversity.
Ultimately, though, a landscape approach is needed. A variety of
different stand structures and age classes should be present on
the landscape to support the full range of biodiversity (Marion
et al. 1986, Moore and Allen 1999, Oliver 1992). The size, shape,
and spatial arrangement of these structures are also important
(Johnson 1987). For landowners with large areas of contiguous holdings,
a landscape management approach to providing for biodiversity may
be feasible. When the landscape is broken up among different ownerships,
landscape management requires coordination between different landowners
with different needs and goals. The issues involved with such coordination
are beyond the scope of this review. In any case, maintaining biodiversity
at the landscape level depends on a collection of stand-level decisions.
If individual landowners employ practices to increase stand level
biodiversity, their practices are likely to support significantly
increased biodiversity across the landscape.
Another important consideration when managing for biodiversity
is land use history. Hedman et al. (2000) found that understory
vegetation is driven more by previous land use than forest management
practices within the past 35 years. Plantations established on
old field sites do not have biological legacies such as seeds and
rootstocks that are present in plantations established on cutover
lands (Baker and Hunter 2002). Because of this, old field sites
have low understory diversity regardless of management practices
(Hedman et al. 2000, Marion and Harris 1982, Marion et al. 1986).
On the other hand, old field sites have greater pine growth and
yield and can produce more wood per area of land (Yin and Sedjo
2001). Thus, intensive timber management that maximizes wood production
and economic return should be focused on old field sites where
biodiversity is likely to be poor regardless of management practices.
Likewise, practices to improve biodiversity should be targeted
to cutover lands.
Finally, there should be economic considerations when examining
ways to increase biodiversity. Intensively managed plantations
are business enterprises for which landowners will expect some
level of economic return. There are various costs associated with
managing for increased biodiversity which create trade-offs between
biodiversity and economic returns (Allen et al. 1996, Hunter 1990).
If management practices are too costly, they are unlikely to be
implemented on private lands. Management strategies that balance
both biodiversity and economic objectives should be identified
(Buongiorno et al. 2004).
One thing that may help offset the costs of managing for increased
biodiversity is the potential for increased hunting lease revenue
(McKee 1987, Melchiors 1991). Hunting leases can provide significant
revenue, especially if there is quality wildlife habitat (Baker
and Hunter 2002, Johnson 1995, Jones et al. 2001). Ownership size
may limit these opportunities, though.
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IV. Summary
There is concern about the maintenance of biodiversity in the
intensively managed loblolly pine plantations that are increasingly
prevalent in the southeastern United States. There are a number
of stand-level management practices that can support increased
biodiversity in these plantations. The overall key to providing
for biodiversity is to provide structural diversity. An open stand
structure with a diverse, productive grass-herb understory is more
similar to the natural, fire-maintained pine communities that were
historically present and can support a broad suite of plants and
Maintaining an open canopy with a diverse understory can be achieved
with heavy thinnings early and often in the rotation. This may
allow a dense hardwood midstory to develop, though, which would
shade out the understory and negate the benefits of thinning. Consequently,
hardwood control will be necessary either by prescribed burning
or with mid-rotation herbicide applications. Hardwoods should not
be eliminated entirely. A mast producing component should be maintained
to provide wildlife food and structural diversity.
Light to moderate site preparation is best for biodiversity, and
mechanical methods may perform better in this respect than herbicides.
Fertilization can benefit wildlife by increasing understory growth,
but it should be done in conjunction with thinning to maximize
benefits. Key structural features such as snags, coarse woody debris,
and mature trees should be maintained, along with riparian buffers
to protect aquatic areas and provide for habitat connectivity.
Long rotations are necessary to provide a broader range of age
classes, though the economic impacts may be a consideration.
Biodiversity is ultimately achieved at the landscape level, but
stand-level changes can go a long way towards making improvements
and can be implemented regardless of ownership pattern. Land use
history is an important consideration, as old field sites are unlikely
to support a diverse stand structure regardless of management practices.
Economics should also be considered, as management practices to
increase biodiversity need to be economically viable if they are
to be successful on private lands. Opportunities for hunting lease
revenue may offset some of the costs of managing for biodiversity.
Metric equivalents
When you know: |
Multiply by:
To find:
Acres |
Feet |
Inches |
Square feet per acre (ft2/acre) |
Square meters per hectare
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1 Estimates
vary from a low of 30 to a high of 92 million acres. If one uses
the low estimate, then today’s
acrage of longleaf pine is only 10% of the original and of that
only a very small fraction is in “old-growth.” Therefore,
there is value in discussing mechanisms to increase old-growth
structures in these remaining forests in the South.
2 “Biodiversity is defined by the UN
as the variability among living organisms from all sources including
terrestrial, marine, and other aquatic systems and the ecological
complexes of which they are a part; this includes diversity within
species, between species and of ecosystems. The Global Biodiversity
Strategy (WRL, IUCN, and UNEP 1992) espouses a shorter definition
where biodiversity is the totality of genes, species and ecosystems
in a region.” (Patel-Weynand 2002)