For a PDF version of Appendix B, click HERE. Program File Documentation
The program that performs the HSI/HEP calculations is
It was developed using the Python programming language. Large amounts
of data are used by the program and must be stored in memory as
variables, lists, and dictionaries for access as the program runs.
Several individual functions within the program are called at various
points to make calculations using data contained in the input tables.
The majority of these were written specifically for
with the remaining having been borrowed from other programs or being
part of a library of functions that come with LMS.
Data storage
Data used by are in the form of variables, lists and
dictionaries. Each type has a place in the program. Variables are
individual values used repeatedly throughout the program or taken
from lists or dictionaries of data stored in memory. These can be
thought of as single-dimensional data. Lists contain several data
of a related type. This may be a list of the HSI models that will
be run by the program or a list of conifer tree species codes. Dictionaries
are multi-dimensional data, with each datum being stored with keys
that point to its location in the dictionary.
Proc_args( args ) is run be calling the Python interpreter and sending
a command line with all necessary arguments and options for running
the program. Proc_args(), which was developed by Jim McCarter (
Silviculture Laboratory, College of Forest Resources, University
of Washington) and modified to, processes the command
line and returns a list of arguments and options from the command
line. Input for proc_args() is the command line arguments that are
called by the sys.argv[] command.
ProcessHSIINI( inifile )
ProcessHSIINI() was originally developed by Jim McCarter to take
needed information from the hsi.ini configuration file. It was greatly
expanded as the configuration file grew in size and scope. Input
for ProcessHSIINI() is the hsi.ini configuration file. ProcessHSIINI()
then works through the file, taking all the data and storing them
as global variables, lists or dictionaries.
CheckSpecies( sppcode )
CheckSpecies() was developed by Jim McCarter to create lists of
conifer and deciduous species codes. Input for CheckSpecies() is
a species code from the list of conifer species created by ProcessHSIINI().
Each time the a species code is fed to CheckSpecies(), it is checked
against the list of conifer species. If the species code is found,
the function then returns to the main program. If the species code
is not found in the list of conifer species, it is added to the
list of deciduous species that is created by CheckSpecies().
IsConifer( sppcode )
IsConifer() was developed by Jim McCarter to check species codes
against the list of conifer species. Input is a species code. If
the code is contained, IsConifer() will return a variable value
of "TRUE". If not it will return "FALSE".
CalcLMSData( y, s )
CalcLMSData() calculates all needed tree-based values from inventory
data that are stored in memory as the main program processes the
inventory file fed to by LMS; it then stores those
values in a data dictionary. Input for CalcLMSData() are the year
and stand from the inventory file being processed. When CalcLMSData()
is run, most of the calculations are performed by functions from
an LMS library. These include total TPA, conifer TPA, big trees
per acre, average overstory height, average DBH, overstory DBH,
canopy layers, total basal are, conifer basal area, canopy closure,
conifer canopy closure, and percentages of conifer and deciduous
Trees per acre values are calculated using an algorithm that sums
all expansion factors for each tree record in memory. "Total
trees pre acre" sums all expansion factors while, for conifer
TPA, a list of conifer species codes is fed to the algorithm and
the sum is limited to those species only. To calculate the number
of big trees, a minimum DBH of 20.9" is fed to the algorithm
and the sum limited to the tree records having a DBH above that
Average overstory height is calculated by an algorithm that performs
an arithmetic average of the height of all tree records in memory.
To get an average of only the overstory a limit of the tallest 40
trees per acre is given to the algorithm; and the average is calculated
using only those 40 trees.
Average diameters are calculated for the entire stand as well as
only the overstory. Arithmetic averages are used here since that
was used for the original HEP calculations. Overstory average diameters
are calculated using the largest 40 tree records per acre stored
in memory.
Canopy layers are calculated using an algorithm developed by Baker
and Wilson (Baker and Wilson 2000). This algorithm keeps a running
average of heights to live crown base, beginning with the tallest
tree in the tree records stored in memory and working to the shortest.
If a break in the vertical structure of the canopy is found, it
is counted and the process is started over again with the remaining
tree records. This process is repeated until all tree records have
been exhausted.
Basal area is calculated for the entire stand for all species and
for conifer species only. The algorithm first calculates basal area
for all species, then for each species in the conifer species list.
The conifer basal areas are then summed for a value of total conifer
basal area.
Canopy closure is calculated using an algorithm published by Crookston
and Stage (Crookston and Stage 1999). This is performed for all
species and for conifer species only. Total crown area for all species
and conifer species only are fed into the algorithm. These are calculated
and stored in memory as the inventory file is processed when the
main program is executed. The values returned are closure values
assuming that there is crown overlap and will not exceed 100% closure.
For cover typing the stands, it is necessary to calculated the percent
of the stand in conifer and deciduous species. This calculation
is done with either percent of total trees per acre or total basal
area as defined in the configuration file. Since conifer trees per
acre and basal area have already been calculated, they are used
to calculate the percentages, with the remaining percentage being
the deciduous percentage.
After these data are calculated, they are stored in a data dictionary
with keys of year and stand name. These can then be recalled by
other functions of the program by just using the variable name,
year and stand.
HSI Models contains four HSI models that were originally used
for the Satsop HEP (WPPSS 1994a): Cooper's hawk (USDI 1980c), pileated
woodpecker (Schroeder 1983), southern red-backed vole (Allen 1983),
and spotted towhee (USDI 1978). Each model is a codified version
of the original graphical model previously presented in the Background
section. Each model uses inputs of year and stand name to recall
the necessary input data from data dictionaries. These values are
then fed into piecewise equations that calculate the HSI value for
each of the life requisites for each species. These are then used
to calculate an overall HSI for each stand for each species.
All of the models other than Cooper's hawk use some non-tree-based
habitat attributes. These are snag and coarse woody debris as well
as understory attributes of grass and shrub cover. Since these attributes
are not currently modeled in LMS, the original HEP data and process
is used. Each stand is given a cover type during the cover typing
process. With a cover type, non-tree-based values can then be related
to the cover type. These values are originally stored in memory
by ProcessHSIINI() and are then retrieved by the HSI models when
they are run. Given the year and stand input, the stands' cover
type is called from the data dictionary; and then the cover type
is used to call the needed non-tree-based data from another data
Habitat units (HU) are then calculated based on the acreage of the
stand. Each of the models then stores the resultant HSI variable
values; overall HSI and HU values are then stored in a data dictionary
for future use.
StoreHUData( y, ct, m, h, ha, hu )
StoreHUData() summarizes and stores habitat unit data for future
use in data dictionaries. Input values are year, cover type, HSI
model, total habitat units, habitat acreage, cover type habitat
TypeCode( typecode ) will calculate HSI values for non-timbered cover types
if data exists for those cover types in the configuration file.
These stands must be part of the LSM portfolio that is being analyzed,
with a designation for non-timbered cover type. The SDB file for
LMS portfolios contains a column for latitude. Since this field
is very rarely used for growth models, it is used in this analysis
to designate timbered or non-timbered cover types. Options for these
values are: 0 for timbered, 1 for brush, 2 for grass, 3 for palustrine
forest, and 4 for palustrine emergent cove types. TypeCode() takes
these numeric values and converts them to a alphabetic type code
that is then returned as a variable to the main program.
CoverType( y, s )
The CoverType() function calculates the cover type for each stand.
Inputs are year and stand name. These are then used to call all
the necessary data from the data dictionaries for comparisons to
threshold values for each cover type, as defined in the configuration
file. Threshold values are called from a data dictionary that was
created by ProcessHSININ(). A series of "if" and "and"
Boolean statements are then used to classify each stand into a certain
cover type. These are a codified set derived from the original cover
typing rules (Table XX). The cover type is then returned to the
main program as a variable.
Upon running the first version of the cover typing code, it was
noticed that some stands failed to classify because of the maximum
height on C1 stands. The original cover typing rules place a maximum
average height of 15 feet with a DBH range of one to four inches.
Since stands with an average DBH of four inches can have a height
of more than fifteen feet, that criterion was dropped from the classification
Program Operation
With all functions defined, the main program can then be run. First
proc_args() is called to parse the command line and return lists
of arguments and options from the command line. Arguments are the
files being used for the run. The first is the configuration file,
second is the SDB file, third is the inventory file, and fourth
is the output file. These give variable names to be used later in
the program. ProcessHSININ() is then called to process the configuration
file and store all data. Now the SDB file is opened, processed to
create dictionaries of stand acreage and alphabetic type codes,
and then closed. Processing the inventory file is next. The file
is opened, and all lines are read into memory individually. As each
line is read into memory, the year, stand name, species code, expansion
factor, mean crown width, and height are taken as variables. As
data is being accumulated, crown area for all species and conifer
species are calculated and summed for all records for the stand
being analyzed. When all records for a stand have been read into
memory CalcLMSData() is called and all necessary data for future
calculations is calculated and stored in data dictionaries.
Once all data from LMS inventory has been processed, stands are
given a cover type; and acreage for each cover type is calculated.
This is performed by looping through all years in the list of years
created while processing the inventory file and looping through
all stands in the list of stands created while processing the SDB
file for each year. Acreage and cover type code are called from
data dictionaries using year as the input. Then if the cover type
code is "T" for "timbered", the CoverType()
function is then called; and the stand is given a cover type classification.
Acreage for each cover type is then summed as the loop of stands
progresses for each year. When the loop of stands is completed,
the data are stored in a data dictionary for future use.
If the habitat models are being used, the HSI models are then run.
These runs are performed by looping through the list of years and
stands as above, but running each model in the list of models defined
in the configuration file. When the HSI models have been run for
all stands for all years, HSI values, acreages of habitat for each
species, and habitat units are then summarized and stored using
the StoreHUData() function. Calculating the average amount of habitat
for each species for the entire analysis period is then done. The
growth period is needed for calculating an annual average, and is
calculated from the list of years by taking the difference between
the first and second entry in the list. If there is no first element
in the list, such as when no stands have been projected, the growth
period is assumed to be 0. Habitat units are then summed for each
species model run and averaged for an annual average figure.
When all calculations have been made, the output file is written.
These all follow the formats covered in the configuration file documentation
(appendix C). Computer Code
# v1.2
# 30-04-2001
# +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
# Satsop Forest Habitat Suitability
# +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
# Created by Kevin "thujaman" Ceder, with assistance and
# from Jim McCarter at the Silviculture Lab, College of
# Forest Resources, University of Washington, Seattle, WA, USA
# +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
# This program impliments the calculation process of a Habitat
# Evaluation Procedure (HEP) that was originally performed
# on the Satsop Nuclear Site (now Satsop Forest) to develop
# a wildlife mitigation agreement with the Washington
# Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW). To modernize the
# the process and allow for analysis of a larger set of
# potential management alternatives the processes are
# implemented as an extension for the Landscape Management
# System (LMS).
# +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
# HEP processes:
# Cover typing: Determine the cover type for each stand as
# set forth but the cover typing rules in the original
# HEP.
# Cover types used and the tree-based attributes for
# determining the cover type for timbered polygons are
# contained in the hsi.ini file in the LMS root directory
# under "Cover Types", "Timber Types", and in
# "Attribute Thresholds" sections. Thresholds for each
# cover type can be modified in the hsi.ini BUT DO SO AT
# Habitat Suitability Index (HSI) calculations:
# HSI values are calculated for the following species on a
# per stand basis:
# - Cooper's hawk
# - Southern red-backed vole
# - Pileated woodpecker
# - Spotted towhee
# Single species or multiple species can be run by editing
# the "ModelList" under "HSI Models" in the
hsi.ini file
# in the LMS root directory.
# Habitat Unit (HU) calculations:
# HU's are HSI * stand acreage which gives a relative measure
# of available habitat for each species. These are
# by species for the entire landscape contained in the
# LMS portfolio for each projection period.
# Annual Average Habitat Units (AAHU) calculations:
# AAHU values are calculated for each species for the life
# proposed management alternative (LMS scenario run).
# +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
# LMS hooks:
# HSI calculations (uses -h option):
# Execute=MULTIPLE
# Input1=LandscapeAttributeTable, $foliodir\$cache\$folioname.att
# Input2=ScenarioTable, $stand, tre, $foliodir\$cache\$folioname.txt
# F1Line1=cd $foliodir\$cache
# F1Line2=$lmsdir\python.exe $lmsdir\python\ -h
# $lmsdir\hsi.ini $folioname.att $folioname.txt $filename
# HEP cover typing (uses -c option):
# Execute=MULTIPLE
# Input1=LandscapeAttributeTable, $foliodir\$cache\$folioname.att
# Input2=ScenarioTable, $stand, tre, $foliodir\$cache\$folioname.txt
# F1Line1=cd $foliodir\$cache
# F1Line2=$lmsdir\python.exe $lmsdir\python\ -c
# $lmsdir\hsi.ini $folioname.att $folioname.txt $filename
# Table definition lines for methods.ini:
# TableXX=SATSOPHSI, Habitat - Satsop HSI Table, 0, 0, 0
# TableXX=SATSOPHEP, Habitat - Satsop HEP Cover Type Table, 0, 0,
# ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
# Files needed for implimentation in LMS:
# hsi.ini - Configuration file located in the LMS root directory
# containing:
# - List of conifer species codes
# - Length of portfolio growth period
# - List of cover types
# - List of timbered cover types
# - List of timbered cover type attributes for cover type
# determination
# - List of habitat attributes needed for HSI calculations
# - Habitat attribute data, both tree-based and non-tree-based
# collected on Satsop Foresty in 1991 for the original
# HEP and HSI calculations. These are per cover type
# averages and are assumed to NOT CHANGE through time.
# - Type of HSI run
# - List of HSI models used for the HSI run
# - List of applicable cover types for model runs by species
# - Cover typing output table type
# - HSI output table type
# FOLIONAME.att - Landscape attribute table for the LMS portfolio.
# Contains all landscape attributes contained in FOLIONAME.sdb.
# Created by LMS upon exection of "Satsop HSI Table" or
# "Satsop HEP Cover Type Table" and deposited in the
# FOLIONAME/Cache directory
# FOLIONAME.txt - Landscape inventory table for the LMS propfolio.
# Contains all timber inventory for initial year and all projected
# years for all stands.
# Created by LMS upon exection of "Satsop HSI Table" or
# "Satsop HEP Cover Type Table" and deposited in the
# FOLIONAME/Cache directory.
# ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
# Data used for cover type determination:
# These are all calculated from LMS portfolio initial and projected
# inventory data:
# - % conifer
# Determined by TPA or BA by changing "PM" entry under
# "Percent Method" in hsi.ini. Conifer species list is
# "ConiferSpecies" in hsi.ini
# - % deciduous (hardwood)
# Determined as TPA or BA NOT conifer
# - Canopy layers
# - % total canopy closure (all species)
# Assumes crown overlap
# - Average DBH (arithmetic average)
# - Big trees (DBH > 21") per acre
# - Dominant height (tallest 40 TPA)
# - Totat trees per acre (all species)
# +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
# Data used for HSI calculations:
# Tree-based - These are all calculated from LMS:
# - % total canopy closure (all species)
# - % conifer canopy closure
# - Overstory average DBH (inches)
# - Number of trees per acre with DBH >= 21"
# Non-tree-based - These were collected at or near Satsop Forest
in 1991
# during the original HEP:
# ***NOTE*** These are all per cover type averages and
# assumed to be the same across all stands having that cover type
# to not change with time or forest management.
# - % total ground cover
# - % grass cover
# - % ground cover of downfall litter
# - Shrub Suitability Index (used for spotted towhee calculations)
# ***NOTE*** The following attributes for stnading dead and down
# are currently from HEP data but will be calcuated from LMS
# portfolio initial and projected snag invnetory data once the
# snag model is fully up and running
# - Number of stumps per acre
# - Number of logs per acre > 7" diameter
# - Number of snags per acre >= 21" DBH and 30' tall
# - Average diameter of snags >= 21" DBH and 30' tall
# ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
# Available output table types:
# Determined by "HEPOut" and "HSIOut" entries
in hsi.ini file
# Cover type table options:
# AV - Table formatted for importing into ESRI ArcView to be
# joined to the stands shapefile for mapping purposes.
# Formatted as:
# Stand, Year_CoverType, NextYear_CoverType,...
# STD - Table formatted with the following columns:
# Year, Stand, Acres, CoverType
# SUM - Summary of cover type acreage by year formatted as:
# Year, CoverType_Acreage, NextCoverType_Acreage, ...
# ALL - STD output followed by SUM output with seperator
# DEBUG - STD output with all attribute values for
# debugging purposes
# HSI table options:
# AV - Table formatted for importing into ESRI ArcView to be
# joined to the stands shapefile for mapping purposes.
# Formatted as:
# Stand, Year_SpeciesHSI, Year_NextSpeciesHSI, ...,
# NextYear_SpeciesHSI, NextYear_NextSpeciesHSI, ...
# STD - Table formatted with the following columns:
# Year, Stand, Acres, SpeciesHSI, NextSpeciesHSI, ...
# HU - Table of habitat units for each species by year formatted
# Year, SpeciesAvgHSI, SpeciesAcreage, SpeciesHU,
# NextSpeciesAvgHSI, NextSpeciesAcreage, NextSpeciesHU, ...
# AAHU - Table of annual average habitat units formatted as:
# SpeciesAAHU, NextSpeciesAAHU, ...
# ALL - STD, HU, and AAHU outputs seperated by seperators
# DEBUG - STD output with all habitat attributed. Used for
# debugging purposes.
# +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
# Functions contained in this program:
# proc_args( args ) - Devloped by Jim McCarter and tweaked by thujaman.
# Returns a list of files and a list of options from the command
# "F1Line2" line of LMS hooks
# - Arguments are necessary files for implimentation as described
# - Options are:
# "-h" for HSI calculations
# "-c" for cover typing only
# ProcessHSIINI( hsiinifile ) - Initial development by Jim McCarter
# scads o' additions by thujaman.
# Reads hsi.ini file and returns variables, lists, and dictionaries
of configuration data
# All configuration data documented in the hsi.ini file
# CheckSpecies( species code) - Developed by Jim McCarter
# Checks species codes against list of conifer species returned
by ProcessHSIINI().
# Appends lsit of deciduous species with non-conifer species codes
# IsConifer( species code ) - Developed by Jim McCarter
# Checks species code to determine if it truly is conifer.
# Returns TRUE or FALSE
# ComputeStats( year, stand ) - Initial devlopment by Jim McCarter
# several tweaks by thujaman.
# CHawk( year, stand ) - Devloped by thujaman.
# Implimentation of Cooper's hawk HSI models (USDI, 1980)
# Reads data dictionaries for habitat attributes
# Calculates and returns to dictionary:
# - Each HSI varialbe value
# - HSI by year and stand
# - HU by year and stand
# - Habitat acreage by year
# SRVole( year, stand ) - Developed by thujaman
# Implimentation of southern red-backed vole HSI models (Allen,
# Reads data dictionaries for habitat attributes
# Calculates and returns to dictionary:
# - Each HSI varialbe value
# - HSI by year and stand
# - HU by year and stand
# - Habitat acreage by year
# PWoodpecker( year, stand ) - Developed by thujaman
# Implimentation of Pileated woodpecker HSI models (Schroeder, 1983)
# Reads data dictionaries for habitat attributes
# Calculates and returns to dictionary:
# - Each HSI varialbe value
# - HSI by year and stand
# - HU by year and stand
# - Habitat acreage by year
# STowhee( year, stand ) - Devloped by thujaman
# Implimentation of spotted towhee HSI models (USDI, 1978)
# Reads data dictionaries for habitat attributes
# Calculates and returns to dictionary:
# - Each HSI varialbe value
# - HSI by year and stand
# - HU by year and stand
# - Habitat acreage by year
# HEPCode( year, stand ) - Developed by thujaman
# Reads data dictionaries for timber cover typing attributes
# Returns cover type for each stand for each year
# ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
# OK... Enough of that! Lets get to the meat of this thing!!!!!
# Get all the necessary modules
# Stock Python stuff
import string, types, math, re, sys, operator, os
# Get and set system paths
if( sys.path[0] == '' ): sys.path.append( sys.path[0] + './lmslib'
else: sys.path.append( sys.path[0] + '/lmslib' )
# import LMS modules
# LMS stuff that Jim McCarter built. Thanks Jim!!
from trefile2 import *
from sdbfile2 import *
import inifile
import lms2
#from sngfile2 import *
# Set some globals
# Variables
(FALSE, TRUE) = (0, 1)
GP = 0 # Growth period from hsi.ini
PM = '' # Percent conifer/deciduous from hsi.ini
RunType = '' # Run Type from hsi.ini
Output = '' # Output table type
proc = '' # Type of program run - determined by command line options
verbose = 0
# Initialize all the lists
Conifer = [] # conifer species, get from hsi.ini
Deciduous = [] # deciduous species, get dynamically (not Conifer)
CoverTypes = [] # Cover types from hsi.ini
TimberedTypes = [] # Timbered cover types from hsi.ini
TTAttList = [] # Timbered cover type attribute name list from hsi.ini
HabAttList = [] # Habitat attribute name list from hsi.ini
ModelList = [] # List of habitat model names from hsi.ini
stands = [] # List of all stands created dynamically
years = [] # List of all years created dynamically
# Initialize all the dictionaries
HSIModel = {} # References text model names to funcitons defined
late on
CTVar = {} # CTVar[CT][var] - stores all cover type thresholds from
HEPData = {} # HEPData[CT][var] - stores all data from original
HEP by cover type from hsi.ini
SppCT = {} # SppCT[species][CT list] - stores list of applicable
cover types for model runs from hsi.ini
LMSData = {} # LMSData[year][stand][var] - stores all dynamic data
calculated from LMS data
CType = {} # CType[year][stand][var] - stores cover types
HSI = {} # HSI[year][stand][species][var] - stores variables and
HSI numbers
HU = {} # HU[year][species][var] - stores habitat units, habitat
AAHU = {}
HabAc = {}
Acres = {} # Acres[stand] - stores acreage for each stand
Type = {} # Type[stand] - stores cover type (timbered or other)
from FOLIONAME.sdb
# Define all the functions
# argument processor
def proc_args( args ):
import getopt, string
options = 'vhc' # define options: v = verbose, h = habitat, c =
cover type
optlist, arglist = getopt.getopt( args, options )
print 'optlist = %s, arglist = %s' % (optlist, arglist)
index = 0
for item in arglist: # look for response files
if( item[0] == '@' ): # process it
f1 = open( item[1:], 'r' ) # open file
while 1: # read file, passing each
line = f1.readline() # line to getopt()
if not line: break
roptlist, rarglist = getopt.getopt( string.split(line), options
##print 'roptlist = ', roptlist
if( len( roptlist ) > 0 ):
n = len( optlist )
optlist[n:n] = roptlist
if( len(rarglist) > 0 ):
n = len( arglist )
arglist[n:n] = rarglist
del arglist[index] # delete @file from args
index = index + 1
#print 'optlist = ', optlist, ' arglist = ', arglist
for item in optlist:
if( item[0] == '-v' ): verbose = 1
if( item[0] == '-h' ): proc = 'hab' # Sets up for HSI run
if( item[0] == '-c' ): proc = 'cover' # Sets up for cover typing
#print proc
return arglist, proc
# process HSI.ini file for conifer and selected species lists
def ProcessHSIINI( hsiinifile ):
#print hsiinifile
INI = inifile.INIFile( hsiinifile )
global Conifer, CoverTypes, TimberedTypes, TTAttList, CTVar, PM,
Output, RunType, GP, ModelList, SppCt, HepData
# Get data used by all runs
# Get conifer species list
Conifer = string.split( string.strip( INI.GetKeyValue( 'Conifer
Species', 'Conifer' ) ) )
CoverTypes = string.split( string.strip( INI.GetKeyValue( 'Cover
Types', 'CTypeList' ) ) )
TimberedTypes = string.split( string.strip( INI.GetKeyValue( 'Timbered
Types', 'TTypeList' ) ) )
TTAttList = string.split( string.strip( INI.GetKeyValue( 'Timbered
Type Attributes', 'TTAttList' ) ) )
# Loop through to make dicirtonary of cover type threshold attributes
for ct in TimberedTypes:
##print ct
if ( not CTVar.has_key ( ct ) ): CTVar[ct] = {}
for a in TTAttList:
if ( not CTVar[ct].has_key ( a ) ): CTVar[ct][a] = {}
##print ct, a
var = string.atof( INI.GetKeyValue( ct, a ) )
CTVar[ct][a] = var
# Get percent conifer/deciduous method
PM = string.strip( INI.GetKeyValue( 'Percent Method', 'PM' ) )
##print PM
# Get cover type output type
##print 'proc = ', proc
if proc == 'cover':
Output = string.strip( INI.GetKeyValue( 'HEP Output', 'HEPOut' )
##print Output
# Get data for habitat runs only
if proc == 'hab':
RunType = string.strip( INI.GetKeyValue( 'Run Type', 'RunType' )
##print RunType
#GP = string.atof( INI.GetKeyValue( 'Growth Period', 'GP' ) )
##print GP
ModelList = string.split( INI.GetKeyValue( 'HSI Models', 'ModelList'
) )
##print ModelList
# loop through and make a dictionary of cover types applicable
for each model
if RunType == 'ModDoc':
r = 'DOC'
else: r = 'HEP'
for m in ModelList:
if ( not SppCT.has_key( m ) ): HEPData[m] = {}
l = string.split( INI.GetKeyValue( m, r ) )
##print m, r, l
SppCT[m] = l
HabAttList = string.split( INI.GetKeyValue( 'Habitat Attributes',
'HabAtt' ) )
# Loop through to make dictionary of habitat attribute data
for ct in CoverTypes:
if ( not HEPData.has_key( ct ) ): HEPData[ct] = {}
for h in HabAttList:
if ( not HEPData[ct].has_key( h ) ): HEPData[ct][h] = {}
var = string.atof( INI.GetKeyValue( ct, h ) )
##print ct, h, var
HEPData[ct][h] = var
Output = string.strip( INI.GetKeyValue( 'HSI Output', 'HSIOut'
) )
#return Conifer, CoverTypes, TimberedTypes, TTAttList, CTVar,
PM, Output, RunType, GP, ModelList, SppCt, HepData
# Manage species list, dynamically update deciduous species (Deciduous)
# to include all species not in Conifer
def CheckSpecies( sppcode ):
for s in Conifer: # check confier species list
if( sppcode == s ): return # found it, done
for s in Deciduous: # check deciduous list
if( sppcode == s ): return # found it, done
Deciduous.append( sppcode ) # else add it to deciduous list
# Check for sppcode in list of confer species
def IsConifer( sppcode ):
for s in Conifer: # loop through conifer list
if( sppcode == s ): return( TRUE ) # found it, TRUE
return( FALSE ) # not found, FALSE
def CalcLMSData( y, s ):
#print y, s
TPA = TRE.Count()
CTPA = TRE.Count( Conifer )
BT = TRE.Count( 'ALL', gt=20.9 )
HT = TRE.AveHt( 'ALL', 40 )
OSDBH = TRE.AveDBH( 'ALL', 40 )
layers = TRE.Layers()
BA = TRE.SumBA( 'ALL' )
CBA = 0
for c in Conifer:
CBA = CBA + TRE.SumBA( c )
CC = 100 * ( 1.0 - math.exp( -0.01 * ( 100 * sumcc / 43560) ) )
CCC = 100 * ( 1.0 - math.exp( -0.01 * (100 * sumccc / 43560) ) )
if PM == 'T':
#this does percentages by tpa
if( TPA >0 ):
PC = 100 * ( CTPA / TPA )
PD = 100 * ( ( TPA - CTPA ) / TPA )
PC = 0.0
PD = 0.0
if PM == 'B':
#This does it by BA
if( TPA > 0):
PC = 100 * ( CBA / BA )
PD = 100 * ( ( BA - CBA ) / BA )
PC = 0.0
PD = 0.0
# Put everything in dictionary
if ( not LMSData.has_key ( y ) ): LMSData[y] = {}
if ( not LMSData[y].has_key ( s ) ): LMSData[y][s] = {}
LMSData[y][s]['TPA'] = TPA
LMSData[y][s]['CTPA'] = CTPA
LMSData[y][s]['BT'] = BT
LMSData[y][s]['HT'] = HT
LMSData[y][s]['OSDBH'] = OSDBH
LMSData[y][s]['ADBH'] = ADBH
LMSData[y][s]['layers'] = layers
LMSData[y][s]['BA'] = BA
LMSData[y][s]['CC'] = CC
LMSData[y][s]['CCC'] = CCC
LMSData[y][s]['PC'] = PC
LMSData[y][s]['PD'] = PD
def CHawk( y, s ):
#print 'Running CHawk'
# Get variables
CT = CType[y][s]
CTList = SppCT['CHawk']
acres = Acres[s]
#print CTList
if operator.contains( CTList, CT ):
#print CT
if RunType != 'HepData':
CC = LMSData[y][s]['CC']
OSDBH = LMSData[y][s]['OSDBH']
CCC = LMSData[y][s]['CCC']
if CT == 'PF':
CC = HEPData[CT]['CC']
CCC = HEPData[CT]['CCC']
CC = HEPData[CT]['CC']
CCC = HEPData[CT]['CCC']
#print CT, CC, OSDBH, CCC
#print y, s, CC, OSDBH, CCC
#Variable 1 % canopy closure
if(CC <= 60): V1 = (CC / 60.0)
else: V1 = 1
#Variable 2 overstory size class. Uses average DBH of top 40 trees
if(OSDBH < 6): V2 = 0.2
elif((OSDBH >=6) & (OSDBH < 10)): V2 = 0.6
elif((OSDBH >=10) & (OSDBH <20)): V2 = 0.9
else: V2 = 1
#Variable 3 % conifer canopy closure
if(CCC <= 10): V3 = 0.8 + ((0.2 * CCC) / 10.0)
elif((CCC > 10) & (CCC < 30)): V3 = 1
elif((CCC >= 30) & (CCC < 80)): V3 = 1 - ((0.8 / 50.0)
* (CCC - 30.0))
else: V3 = 0.2
V1 = V2 = V3 = 0
#Compute HSI
hsi1 = (V1 * V2) ** (1.0 / 2.0)
hsi2 = V3
hsi = min (hsi1, hsi2)
#Compute HU
HU = hsi * acres
# Put data into dictionaries
if not HSI.has_key( y ): HSI[y] = {}
if not HSI[y].has_key( s ): HSI[y][s] = {}
if not HSI[y][s].has_key( 'CHawk' ): HSI[y][s]['CHawk'] = {}
HSI[y][s]['CHawk']['V1'] = V1
HSI[y][s]['CHawk']['V2'] = V2
HSI[y][s]['CHawk']['V3'] = V3
HSI[y][s]['CHawk']['hsi1'] = hsi1
HSI[y][s]['CHawk']['hsi2'] = hsi2
HSI[y][s]['CHawk']['hsi'] = hsi
HSI[y][s]['CHawk']['HU'] = HU
def SRVole( y, s ):
##print 'Running SRVole'
##print y, s
# Get variables
CT = CType[y][s]
CTList = SppCT['SRVole']
acres = Acres[s]
if operator.contains( CTList, CT ):
DnF = HEPData[CT]['DnF']
GR = HEPData[CT]['GR']
if RunType != 'HepData':
OSDBH = LMSData[y][s]['OSDBH']
CCC = LMSData[y][s]['CCC']
CCC = HEPData[CT]['CCC']
if(OSDBH <= 12): V1 = (1.0 / 12.0) * OSDBH
else: V1 = 1.0
#Variable 2: % downfall ground cover from HEP average
if(DnF <= 20): V2 = (1.0 / 20.0) * DnF
else: V2 = 1.0
#Variable 3: % grass cover from HEP average
if(GR < 10): V3 = 1
elif((GR >=10) & (GR <= 80)): V3 = 1 - ((1 / 70) * (GR
- 10))
else: V3 = 0
#Variable 4: % conifer canopy closure
if(CCC <= 20): V4 = 0.05 + ((0.05 / 20) * CCC)
elif((CCC > 20) & (CCC <= 50)): V4 = 0.1 + ((0.9 / 30)
* (CCC - 20))
else: V4 = 1.0
V1 = V2 = V3 = V4 = 0
#Compute HSI
hsi = ((V1 * V2 * V3) ** (1.0 / 3.0)) * (V4)
#Compute HU
HU = hsi * acres
if not HSI.has_key( y ): HSI[y] = {}
if not HSI[y].has_key( s ): HSI[y][s] = {}
if not HSI[y][s].has_key( 'SRVole' ): HSI[y][s]['SRVole'] = {}
HSI[y][s]['SRVole']['V1'] = V1
HSI[y][s]['SRVole']['V2'] = V2
HSI[y][s]['SRVole']['V3'] = V3
HSI[y][s]['SRVole']['V4'] = V4
HSI[y][s]['SRVole']['hsi'] = hsi
HSI[y][s]['SRVole']['HU'] = HU
def PWoodpecker( y, s ):
##print 'Running PWoodpecker'
# Get varialbes
CT = CType[y][s]
CTList = SppCT['PWoodpecker']
acres = Acres[s]
if operator.contains( CTList, CT ):
Stp = HEPData[CT]['Stp']
L7 = HEPData[CT]['L7']
BSn = HEPData[CT]['BSn']
if RunType != 'HepData':
CC = LMSData[y][s]['CC']
BT = LMSData[y][s]['BT']
if CT == 'PF':
CC = HEPData[CT]['CC']
BT = HEPData[CT]['BT']
CC = HEPData[CT]['CC']
BT = HEPData[CT]['BT']
#Variable 1 % canopy closure
if(CC < 25): V1 = 0
elif((CC >=25) & (CC <=75)): V1 = (1.0 / 50.0) * (CC -
else: V1 = 1
#Variable 2: TPA > 20" dbh
if(BT < 3): V2 = 0
elif((BT >=3) & (BT <= 30)): V2 = (1.0 / 27.0) * (BT -
else: V2 = 1
#Variable 3: # stumps > 1' tall / acre (data from HEP)
dlgst = ( Stp + L7 )
if(dlgst <= 10): V3 = 0.3 + (0.7 / 10.0) * dlgst
elif(dlgst > 10): V3 = 1
else: V3 = 'ERR'
#Variable 6: # snags/ac >20" dbh (from HEP data)
if(BSn <= 0.17): V6 = (1.0 / 0.17) * BSn
elif(BSn > 0.17): V6 = 1
else: V6 = 'ERR'
#Variable 7: Ave dbh of snags >20" (from HEP data)
if((DBHBSn >= 20) & (DBHBSn <= 30)): V7 = 0.25 + (0.75
/ 10.0) * (DBHBSn - 20)
elif(DBHBSn > 30): V7 = 1
elif(DBHBSn < 20): V7 = 0
else: V7 = 'ERR'
else: V1 = V2 = V3 = V6 = V7 = 0
#Compute HSI
hsi1 = (V1 * V2 * V3) ** (1.0 / 2.0)
hsi2 = (V6 * V7) ** (1.0 / 2.0)
hsi = min (hsi1, hsi2)
#Compute HU
HU = hsi * acres
# Put data into dictionaries
if not HSI.has_key( y ): HSI[y] = {}
if not HSI[y].has_key( s ): HSI[y][s] = {}
if not HSI[y][s].has_key( 'PWoodpecker' ): HSI[y][s]['PWoodpecker']
= {}
HSI[y][s]['PWoodpecker']['V1'] = V1
HSI[y][s]['PWoodpecker']['V2'] = V2
HSI[y][s]['PWoodpecker']['V3'] = V3
HSI[y][s]['PWoodpecker']['V6'] = V6
HSI[y][s]['PWoodpecker']['V7'] = V7
HSI[y][s]['PWoodpecker']['hsi1'] = hsi1
HSI[y][s]['PWoodpecker']['hsi2'] = hsi2
HSI[y][s]['PWoodpecker']['hsi'] = hsi
HSI[y][s]['PWoodpecker']['HU'] = HU
def STowhee( y, s ):
##print 'Running STowhee'
# Get variables
CT = CType[y][s]
CTList = SppCT['STowhee']
acres = Acres[s]
if operator.contains( CTList, CT ):
TGC = HEPData[CT]['TGC']
SSI = HEPData[CT]['SSI']
if RunType != 'HepData':
CC = LMSData[y][s]['CC']
if CT == 'PF' or CT == 'PE':
CC = HEPData[CT]['CC']
CC = HEPData[CT]['CC']
#Variable 1: % ground cover (from HEP data)
if( TGC < 50): V1 = (1.0 / 50.0) * TGC
elif((TGC >= 50) & (TGC <= 90)): V1 = 1
elif(TGC > 90): V1 = 1 - (0.5 / 10.0) * (TGC - 90)
else: V1 = 'ERR'
#Variable 2: Shrub SI (from HEP data)
V2 = SSI
#Variable 3: Tree canopy cover
if(CC < 12): V3 = (0.042 / 12.0) * CC
elif( ( CC >= 12 ) & ( CC < 22 ) ): V3 = 0.042 + ( 0.1
/ 10.0 ) * ( CC - 12 )
elif((CC >= 22) & (CC <= 60)): V3 = 0.12 + (0.88 / 40)
* (CC - 22)
elif((CC > 60) & (CC < 75)): V3 = 1
elif((CC >= 75) & (CC <= 85)): V3 = 1- (0.20 / 10.0) *
(CC - 75)
elif((CC > 85) & (CC < 95)): V3 = 0.8 - (0.6 / 10.0) *
(CC - 85)
elif(CC > 95): V3 = 0.2 - ( (0.017 / 5.0) * (CC - 95) )
else: V3 = 'ERR'
V1 = V2 = V3 = 0
#Compute HSI
hsi1 = V1
hsi2 = V2
hsi3 = (V2 + V3) / 2.0
hsi = min (hsi1, hsi2, hsi3)
#Compute HU
HU = hsi * acres
if not HSI.has_key( y ): HSI[y] = {}
if not HSI[y].has_key( s ): HSI[y][s] = {}
if not HSI[y][s].has_key( 'STowhee' ): HSI[y][s]['STowhee'] = {}
HSI[y][s]['V1'] = V1
HSI[y][s]['V2'] = V2
HSI[y][s]['V3'] = V3
HSI[y][s]['hsi1'] = hsi1
HSI[y][s]['hsi2'] = hsi2
HSI[y][s]['hsi3'] = hsi3
HSI[y][s]['hsi'] = hsi
HSI[y][s]['HU'] = HU
HSI[y][s]['STowhee']['V1'] = V1
HSI[y][s]['STowhee']['V2'] = V2
HSI[y][s]['STowhee']['V3'] = V3
HSI[y][s]['STowhee']['hsi1'] = hsi1
HSI[y][s]['STowhee']['hsi2'] = hsi2
HSI[y][s]['STowhee']['hsi3'] = hsi3
HSI[y][s]['STowhee']['hsi'] = hsi
HSI[y][s]['STowhee']['HU'] = HU
def StoreHUData( y, ct, m, h, ha, hu ):
HU[y][m] = h
HabAc[y][m] = ha
##print y, s, cha
sumh = CTSum[y][ct][m]
if sumh == 0:
sumh = hu
else: sumh = sumh + hu
CTSum[y][ct][m] = sumh
# figure out cover type (timbered or not) from sdbfile
# Run this guy in Cover Typing stuff
def TypeCode(typecode):
###print typecode
if(typecode == 0):ctype = 'T'
elif(typecode == 1):ctype = 'B'
elif(typecode == 2):ctype = 'G'
elif(typecode == 3):ctype = 'PF'
elif(typecode == 4):ctype = 'PE'
#elif(typecode == 5):ctype = 'PS'
else: ctype = 'UNK'
###print typecode, ctype
# figure out HEPcode from variables
def CoverType( y, s ):
# Get thresholds
C4CC = CTVar['C4']['CCVar']
C4PC = CTVar['C4']['PCVar']
C4HT = CTVar['C4']['HTVar']
C4BT = CTVar['C4']['BTVar']
C4layers = CTVar['C4']['LVar']
C4TCC = CTVar['C4T']['CCVar']
C4TPC = CTVar['C4T']['PCVar']
C4THT = CTVar['C4T']['HTVar']
C4TMinDBH = CTVar['C4T']['MinDBHVar']
C4TMaxDBH = CTVar['C4T']['MaxDBHVar']
C3CC = CTVar['C3']['CCVar']
C3PC = CTVar['C3']['PCVar']
C3HT = CTVar['C3']['HTVar']
C3MinDBH = CTVar['C3']['MinDBHVar']
C3MaxDBH = CTVar['C3']['MaxDBHVar']
C3TCC = CTVar['C3T']['CCVar']
C3TPC = CTVar['C3T']['PCVar']
C3TMinDBH = CTVar['C3T']['MinDBHVar']
C3TMaxDBH = CTVar['C3T']['MaxDBHVar']
C2CC = CTVar['C2']['CCVar']
C2PC = CTVar['C2']['PCVar']
C2MinDBH = CTVar['C2']['MinDBHVar']
C2MaxDBH = CTVar['C2']['MaxDBHVar']
C1CC = CTVar['C1']['CCVar']
C1PC = CTVar['C1']['PCVar']
C1MinDBH = CTVar['C1']['MinDBHVar']
C1MaxDBH = CTVar['C1']['MaxDBHVar']
C1TPA = CTVar['C1']['TPAVar']
M3CC = CTVar['M3']['CCVar']
M3PC = CTVar['M3']['PCVar']
M3PD = CTVar['M3']['PDVar']
M3HT = CTVar['M3']['HTVar']
M3MinDBH = CTVar['M3']['MinDBHVar']
M3MaxDBH = CTVar['M3']['MaxDBHVar']
M3TCC = CTVar['M3T']['CCVar']
M3TPC = CTVar['M3T']['PCVar']
M3TPD = CTVar['M3T']['PDVar']
M3THT = CTVar['M3T']['HTVar']
M3TMinDBH = CTVar['M3T']['MinDBHVar']
M3TMaxDBH = CTVar['M3T']['MaxDBHVar']
M2CC = CTVar['M2']['CCVar']
M2PC = CTVar['M2']['PCVar']
M2PD = CTVar['M2']['PDVar']
M2MinDBH = CTVar['M2']['MinDBHVar']
M2MaxDBH = CTVar['M2']['MaxDBHVar']
M1CC = CTVar['M1']['CCVar']
M1PC = CTVar['M1']['PCVar']
M1PD = CTVar['M1']['PDVar']
M1MinDBH = CTVar['M1']['MinDBHVar']
M1MaxDBH = CTVar['M1']['MaxDBHVar']
M1TPA = CTVar['M1']['TPAVar']
H3CC = CTVar['H3']['CCVar']
H3PD = CTVar['H3']['PDVar']
H3HT = CTVar['H3']['HTVar']
H3MinDBH = CTVar['H3']['MinDBHVar']
H3MaxDBH = CTVar['H3']['MaxDBHVar']
H2CC = CTVar['H2']['CCVar']
H2PD = CTVar['H2']['PDVar']
H2MinDBH = CTVar['H2']['MinDBHVar']
H2MaxDBH = CTVar['H2']['MaxDBHVar']
H1CC = CTVar['H1']['CCVar']
H1PD = CTVar['H1']['PDVar']
H1MinDBH = CTVar['H1']['MinDBHVar']
H1MaxDBH = CTVar['H1']['MaxDBHVar']
BCC = CTVar['B']['CCVar']
# Get data
TPA = LMSData[y][s]['TPA']
BT = LMSData[y][s]['BT']
HT = LMSData[y][s]['HT']
OSDBH = LMSData[y][s]['OSDBH']
ADBH = LMSData[y][s]['ADBH']
layers = LMSData[y][s]['layers']
CC = LMSData[y][s]['CC']
PC = LMSData[y][s]['PC']
PD = LMSData[y][s]['PD']
#print H3CC, H3PD, H3MinDBH, H3MaxDBH
#print CC, PC, PD, ADBH, OSDBH, HT, BT, TPA, layers
#HEP = 'UNK'
if( (CC >= C4CC) & (PC >= C4PC) & (HT > C4HT) &
(BT >= C4BT) & ( layers >= C4layers ) ): HEP = 'C4'
#elif( (CC >= C4CC) & (PC >= C4PC) & (HT > C4HT)
& (BT >= C4BT) & ( layers < C4layers ) ): HEP = 'C4T'
elif( (PC >= C4TPC) & (HT > C4HT) & (OSDBH >= C4TMinDBH)
): HEP = 'C4T'
elif( (CC >= C3CC) & (PC >= C3PC) & (OSDBH >= C3MinDBH)
& (OSDBH < C3MaxDBH) ): HEP = 'C3'
elif( (CC < C3TCC) & (PC >= C3TPC) & (OSDBH >=
C3TMinDBH) & (OSDBH < C3TMaxDBH) ): HEP = 'C3T'
elif( (CC >= C2CC) & (PC >= C2PC) & (OSDBH >= C2MinDBH)
& (OSDBH < C2MaxDBH) ): HEP = 'C2'
#elif( (CC < 50) & (PC >= 75) & (adbh >= 4) &
(adbh < 12) ): HEP = 'C2T'
elif( (PC >= C1PC) & (OSDBH >= C1MinDBH) & (OSDBH
< C1MaxDBH) & (TPA >= 150) ): HEP = 'C1'
elif( (CC >= M3CC) & (PC < M3PC) & (PD < M3PD)
& (HT >= M3HT) & (OSDBH >= M3MinDBH) & (OSDBH
< M3MaxDBH) ): HEP = 'M3'
#removed max diameter of 21 inches on M3 and M3T
elif( (CC < M3TCC) & (PC < M3TPC) & (PD < M3TPD)
& (HT >= M3THT) & (OSDBH >= M3TMinDBH) & (OSDBH
< M3TMaxDBH) ): HEP = 'M3T'
elif( (CC >= M2CC) & (PC < M2PC) & (PD < M2PD)
& (OSDBH >= M2MinDBH) & (OSDBH < M2MaxDBH) ): HEP
= 'M2'
elif( (PC < M1PC ) & (PD < M1PD) & (OSDBH >= M1MinDBH)
& (OSDBH < M1MaxDBH ) & (TPA >= 150) ): HEP = 'M1'
elif( (CC >= H3CC) & (PD >= H3PD) & (OSDBH > H3MinDBH)
& (OSDBH <= H3MaxDBH) ): HEP = 'H3'
elif( (CC >= H2CC) & (PD >= H2PD) & (OSDBH >= H2MinDBH)
& (OSDBH <= H2MaxDBH) ): HEP = 'H2'
elif( (CC >= H1CC) & (PD >= H1PD) & (OSDBH >= H1MinDBH)
& (OSDBH < H1MaxDBH) ): HEP = 'H1'
elif( (CC < BCC) ): HEP = 'B'
else: HEP = 'UNK'
#print y, s, TPA, BT, HT, OSDBH, ADBH, layers, CC, PC, PD, HEP
return( HEP )
def seperator():
# begin main program
(result, proc) = proc_args( sys.argv[1:] )
#print result
hsiinifile = result[0]
sdbfile = result[1]
invfile = result[2]
outfile = result[3]
#Conifer = ( 'DF', 'WH', 'RC' ) # conifer species
#sspp = [ 'DF' ] # selected species list
#print 'Processing INIfile'
ProcessHSIINI( hsiinifile ) # process HSI.INI for conifer and selected
spp lists
lastyear = 0
laststand = 0
# Set up model dictionary
HSIModel['CHawk'] = CHawk
HSIModel['SRVole'] = SRVole
HSIModel['PWoodpecker'] = PWoodpecker
HSIModel['STowhee'] = STowhee
# process sdb file
#print 'Processing SDBfile'
f1 = open( sdbfile, 'r' )
while 1:
line = f1.readline()
##print line
if not line: break
if line[0] == ';':
field = string.splitfields( line, ',' ) # comma separated
s = string.strip( field[0] )
typecode = string.atof( field[9] )
acres = string.atof( field[10] )
# Put data in dictionary
Acres[s] = acres
Type[s] = typecode
# process inv file
TRE = TREFile( invfile ) # open invfile
#print 'Processing INVfile'
sumcc = sumccc = 0.0
while 1: # loop forever
line = TRE.ReadLine() # read line file file
if not line: break # if end of file, break loop
##print line
if line[0] ==';': continue
#else: break
year = string.atoi(TRE.year)
if not operator.contains( years, year ):
years.append( year )
stand = TRE.stand
# Create stand list
#print stands
if not operator.contains( stands, stand ):
stands.append( stand )
spp = TRE.spp
tpa = TRE.tpa
mcw = TRE.mcw
ht =
if( (year != lastyear) | (stand != laststand) ):
if( (lastyear != 0) & (laststand != 0) ):
CalcLMSData( lastyear, laststand )
laststand = stand
lastyear = year
sumcc = sumccc = 0.0
CheckSpecies( spp )
if( mcw == 0.0 ): radius = ht * 0.33 / 2.0
else: radius = mcw / 2.0
sumcc = sumcc + (tpa * (3.141592654 * (radius*radius)))
if( IsConifer( spp ) ): sumccc = sumccc + (tpa * (3.141592654 *
else: # accumulate information about stand
CheckSpecies( spp )
if( mcw == 0.0 ): radius = ht * 0.33 / 2.0
else: radius = mcw / 2.0
sumcc = sumcc + (tpa * (3.141592654 * (radius*radius)))
if( IsConifer( spp ) ): sumccc = sumccc + (tpa * (3.141592654 *
CalcLMSData( year, stand ) # add statistics for last stand
# Figure out cover types
#print 'Cover typing'
CTSum = {}
for y in years:
if not CTSum.has_key( y ): CTSum[y] = {}
for c in CoverTypes:
if not CTSum[y].has_key( c ): CTSum[y][c] = {}
CTSum[y][c]['acres'] = 0
for y in years:
#C4ac = C4Tac = C3ac = C3Tac = C2ac = C1ac = M3ac = M3Tac = M2ac
= M1ac = H3ac =H2ac = H1ac = Bac = Gac = PFac = PEac = 0
if not CType.has_key( y ): CType[y] = {}
for s in stands:
if not CType[y].has_key( s ): CType[y][s] = {}
acres = Acres[s]
t = Type[s]
#print s, t
if t == 0:
ct = CoverType( y, s )
ct = TypeCode( t )
CType[y][s] = ct
ctac = CTSum[y][ct]['acres']
if ctac == 0:
ctac = ctac + acres
ctac = ctac + acres
CTSum[y][ct]['acres'] = ctac
if proc == 'hab':
# Run HSI functions
for y in years:
for s in stands:
for m in ModelList:
####print m
HSIModel[ m ]( y, s )
# Summarize and calculate HU's and AAHU's
#print 'Summarizing HSI'
for y in years:
if not HU.has_key( y ): HU[y] = {}
if not HabAc.has_key( y ): HabAc[y] = {}
for m in ModelList:
if not HU[y].has_key( m ): HU[y][m] = {}
HU[y][m] = 0
for c in CoverTypes:
CTSum[y][c][m] = 0
#print y
for y in years:
for m in ModelList:
u = a = 0
#ch = srv = st = pw = 0.0
#cha = srva = sta = pwa = 0.0
#c4h = c4th = c3h = c3th = c2h = c1h = m3h = m3th = m2h = m1h =
h3h = h2h = h1h = bh = gh = pfh = peh = 0.0
#hu = a = 0
for s in stands:
ac = Acres[s]
ct = CType[y][s]
hu = HSI[y][s][m]['HU']
#if m == 'CHawk':
#print 'summing '+m
#Sum Cooper's hawk HU's
if(u == 0): u = hu
else: u = u + hu
if operator.contains( SppCT[m], ct ):
if( a == 0 ): a = ac
else: a = a + ac
StoreHUData( y, ct, m, u, a, hu )
#Calculate AAHU's
FirstYear = min(years)
LastYear = max(years)
PlanLife = LastYear - FirstYear
if len( years ) > 1:
GrPer = ( years[1] - years[0] )
cycles = (LastYear - FirstYear) / GrPer
else: cycles = 1
for m in ModelList:
tothu = 0
for y in years:
hu = HU[y][m]
if tothu == 0:
tothu = hu
else: tothu = tothu + hu
aahu = tothu / cycles
AAHU[m] = aahu
# write output file
fout = open( outfile, 'w' ) # open output file
# Cover type output
if proc == 'cover':
if Output == 'DEBUG':
attlist = [ 'CC', 'PC', 'PD', 'HT', 'OSDBH', 'ADBH', 'BT', 'layers',
'TPA' ]
fout.write( 'Year, Stand, Acres, CType' )
for a in attlist:
fout.write( ', %s' % ( a ) )
fout.write(' \n' )
for y in years:
for s in stands:
ac = Acres[s]
c = CType[y][s]
fout.write( '%s, "'"%s"'", %s, %s' % ( y, s,
ac, c ) )
for a in attlist:
fout.write( ', %0.2f' % ( LMSData[y][s][a] ) )
fout.write( '\n' )
if Output == 'STD' or Output == 'ALL':
fout.write( 'Year, Stand, Acres, CType\n' )
for y in years:
for s in stands:
ac = Acres[s]
c = CType[y][s]
##print y, s, ac, c
fout.write( '%s, "'"%s"'", %s, %s\n' % ( y,
s, ac, c ) )
if Output == 'ALL':
if Output == 'SUM' or Output == 'ALL':
fout.write( 'Cover_Type_Summary\n' )
fout.write( 'CType' )
for y in years:
fout.write(', %s_ac' % ( y ) )
fout.write( '\n' )
for c in CoverTypes:
fout.write( '%s' % ( c ) )
for y in years:
ac = CTSum[y][c]['acres']
fout.write( ', %0.1f' % ( ac ) )
fout.write( '\n' )
if Output == 'AV':
fout.write( 'Stand')
for y in years:
fout.write( ', %s_CT' % ( y ) )
fout.write( '\n' )
for s in stands:
fout.write( '"'"%s"'"' % ( s ) )
for y in years:
c = CType[y][s]
fout.write( ', %s' % ( c ) )
fout.write( '\n' )
if proc == 'hab':
if Output == 'DEBUG':
for m in ModelList:
if m == 'CHawk':
fout.write( m +'\n' )
fout.write('Year, Stand, CT, CC, OSDBH, CCC, V1, V2, V3, HSI1, HSI2,
for y in years:
for s in stands:
ct = CType[y][s]
if RunType == 'HepData':
cc = HEPData[ct]['CC']
dbh = HEPData[ct]['OSDBH']
ccc = HEPData[ct]['CCC']
cc = LMSData[y][s]['CC']
dbh = LMSData[y][s]['OSDBH']
ccc = LMSData[y][s]['CCC']
v1 = HSI[y][s][m]['V1']
v2 = HSI[y][s][m]['V2']
v3 = HSI[y][s][m]['V3']
hsi1 = HSI[y][s][m]['hsi1']
hsi2 = HSI[y][s][m]['hsi2']
hsi = HSI[y][s][m]['hsi']
fout.write( '%s, "'"%s"'", %s, %0.3f, %0.3f,
%0.3f, %0.3f, %0.3f, %0.3f, %0.3f, %0.3f, %0.3f\n' % ( y, s, ct,
cc, dbh, ccc, v1, v2, v3, hsi1, hsi2, hsi ) )
fout.write( '\n' )
elif m == 'SRVole':
fout.write( m +'\n' )
fout.write( 'Year, Stand, CT, OSDBH, DnF, GR, CCC, V1, V2, V3, V4,
HSI\n' )
for y in years:
for s in stands:
ct = CType[y][s]
if RunType == 'HepData':
dbh = HEPData[ct]['OSDBH']
ccc = HEPData[ct]['CCC']
dbh = LMSData[y][s]['OSDBH']
ccc = LMSData[y][s]['CCC']
dnf = HEPData[ct]['DnF']
gr = HEPData[ct]['GR']
v1 = HSI[y][s][m]['V1']
v2 = HSI[y][s][m]['V2']
v3 = HSI[y][s][m]['V3']
v4 = HSI[y][s][m]['V4']
hsi = HSI[y][s][m]['hsi']
fout.write( '%s, "'"%s"'", %s, %0.3f, %0.3f,
%0.3f, %0.3f, %0.3f, %0.3f, %0.3f, %0.3f, %0.3f\n' % ( y, s, ct,
dbh, dnf, gr, ccc, v1, v2, v3, v4, hsi ) )
fout.write( '\n' )
elif m == 'PWoodpecker':
fout.write( m +'\n' )
fout.write( 'Year, Stand, CT, CC, BT, Stp, L7, BSn, DBHDSn, V1,
V2, V3, V6, V7, HSI1, HSI2, HSI\n' )
for y in years:
for s in stands:
ct = CType[y][s]
if RunType == 'HepData':
cc = HEPData[ct]['CC']
bt = HEPData[ct]['BT']
cc = LMSData[y][s]['CC']
bt = LMSData[y][s]['BT']
stp = HEPData[ct]['Stp']
l7 = HEPData[ct]['L7']
bsn = HEPData[ct]['BSn']
dbhsn = HEPData[ct]['DBHBSn']
v1 = HSI[y][s][m]['V1']
v2 = HSI[y][s][m]['V2']
v3 = HSI[y][s][m]['V3']
v6 = HSI[y][s][m]['V6']
v7 = HSI[y][s][m]['V7']
hsi1 = HSI[y][s][m]['hsi1']
hsi2 = HSI[y][s][m]['hsi2']
hsi = HSI[y][s][m]['hsi']
fout.write( '%s, "'"%s"'", %s, %0.3f, %0.3f,
%0.3f, %0.3f, %0.3f, %0.3f, %0.3f, %0.3f, %0.3f, %0.3f, %0.3f, %0.3f,
%0.3f, %0.3f\n'
% ( y, s, ct, cc, bt, stp, l7, bsn, dbhsn, v1, v2, v3, v6, v7, hsi1,
hsi2, hsi ) )
fout.write( '\n' )
elif m == 'STowhee':
fout.write( m +'\n' )
fout.write( 'Year, Stand, CT, TGC, SSI, CC, V1, V2, V3, HSI1, HSI1,
HSI3, HSI\n' )
for y in years:
for s in stands:
ct = CType[y][s]
if RunType == 'HepData':
cc = HEPData[ct]['CC']
cc = LMSData[y][s]['CC']
tgc = HEPData[ct]['TGC']
ssi = HEPData[ct]['SSI']
v1 = HSI[y][s][m]['V1']
v2 = HSI[y][s][m]['V2']
v3 = HSI[y][s][m]['V3']
hsi1 = HSI[y][s][m]['hsi1']
hsi2 = HSI[y][s][m]['hsi2']
hsi3 = HSI[y][s][m]['hsi3']
hsi = HSI[y][s][m]['hsi']
fout.write( '%s, "'"%s"'", %s, %0.3f, %0.3f,
%0.3f, %0.3f, %0.3f, %0.3f, %0.3f, %0.3f, %0.3f, %0.3f\n'
% ( y, s, ct, tgc, ssi, cc, v1, v2, v3, hsi1, hsi2, hsi3, hsi )
fout.write( '\n' )
if Output == 'HSI':
fout.write( 'Year, Stand, HEP, Acres')
for m in ModelList:
fout.write(', %s' % ( m ))
for y in years:
for s in stands:
(ct, a) = (CType[y][s], Acres[s])
fout.write('%s, "'"%s"'", %s, %s' % ( y, s,
ct, a))
for m in ModelList:
if m == 'CHawk':
hsi = HSI[y][s][m]['hsi']
fout.write( ', %0.4f' % ( hsi ) )
if m == 'SRVole':
hsi = HSI[y][s][m]['hsi']
fout.write( ', %0.4f' % ( hsi ) )
if m == 'PWoodpecker':
hsi = HSI[y][s][m]['hsi']
fout.write( ', %0.4f' % ( hsi ) )
if m == 'STowhee':
hsi = HSI[y][s][m]['hsi']
fout.write( ', %0.4f' % ( hsi ) )
fout.write( '\n' )
if Output == 'BySpp':
for m in ModelList:
ctlist = SppCT[m]
for y in years:
ta = thu = 0
fout.write( 'Year: %s, Species: %s\n' % ( y, m ) )
fout.write( 'CType, Acres, HSI\n' )
for c in ctlist:
a = CTSum[y][c]['acres']
if ta == 0:
ta = a
else: ta = ta + a
hu = CTSum[y][c][m]
if thu == 0:
thu = hu
else: thu = thu + hu
if a != 0:
hsi = hu / a
hsi = 0
fout.write( '%s, %0.1f, %0.3f\n' % ( c, a, hsi ) )
if ta !=0:
ohsi = thu / ta
else: ohsi = 0
fout.write( 'Overall: %s, %0.3f\n' % ( ta, ohsi ) )
if Output == 'ALL' or Output == 'HSISum':
fout.write( 'Average_HSI\n' )
for y in years:
fout.write( 'Year: %s\n' % ( y ) )
fout.write( 'Species, Acres, HSI\n' )
for m in ModelList:
ctlist = SppCT[m]
ta = thu = 0
for c in ctlist:
a = CTSum[y][c]['acres']
if ta == 0:
ta = a
else: ta = ta + a
hu = CTSum[y][c][m]
if thu == 0:
thu = hu
else: thu = thu + hu
if a != 0:
hsi = hu / a
hsi = 0
if ta != 0:
ohsi = thu / ta
else: ohsi = 0
fout.write( '%s, %s, %0.3f\n' % ( m, ta, ohsi ) )
if Output == 'ALL' or Output == 'HU':
fout.write( 'Habitat_Units\n' )
for m in ModelList:
fout.write(', %s' % ( m ))
for y in years:
fout.write('%s' % ( y ) )
for m in ModelList:
hu = HU[y][m]
fout.write( ', %0.4f' % ( hu ) )
fout.write( '\n' )
if Output == 'ALL':
if Output == 'ALL' or Output == 'AAHU':
c = 0
for m in ModelList:
if c == 0:
fout.write( '%s' % ( m ) )
c = c + 1
fout.write( ', %s' % ( m ) )
fout.write( '\n' )
c = 0
for m in ModelList:
aahu = AAHU[m]
if c == 0:
fout.write( '%0.3f' % ( aahu ) )
c = c + 1
else: fout.write( ', %0.3f' % ( aahu ) )
fout.write( '\n' )
if Output == 'AV':
for y in years:
for m in ModelList:
fout.write( ', %s_%s' % ( y, m ) )
fout.write( '\n' )
for s in stands:
fout.write( "'"+s+"'" )
for y in years:
for m in ModelList:
hsi = HSI[y][s][m]['hsi']
fout.write( ', %0.3f' % ( hsi ) )
fout.write( '\n' )