Summer 2005, Volume 5, No. 3
Table of Content
LMS to Help With Stewardship Planning at the Monastery of
St. Gertrude
The application of knowledge and theories learned in undergraduate
education culminates with the development of a senior project.
This experience is vital for independent work in the forest
sector and helps build excitement and experience in resource
management. The Monastery of St. Gertrude in Cottonwood, Idaho
was the focus of our senior project, which was an exploration
into multi-use management and stand projection/prediction models. |
composition, and serenity within
the monastery’s forest.
Sr. Carol Ann was very excited
to learn about the availability of the Landscape Management
System (LMS) and other technology tools that can help her
visualize her objectives and assess their economic viability.
The LMS program and its various add-ons provide a comprehensive
platform from which management decisions can be made. LMS
can demystify the effects of active
management by providing the manager with projection and visualization
tools to supplement knowledge and intuition about the appropriate
management pathway. Various charts, tables, and analysis
tools are available within LMS and work in conjunction with
personalized treatment scenarios to provide the support and
confidence for any chosen alternative.
The Sisters of
St. Gertrude depend on sustainable and ecologically sound
timber harvests to monetarily support their community, preserve
wildlife, encourage life long learning, and create an atmosphere
of peace for the many visitors and retreats that are held
on their property. In 1994, Sister Carol Ann Wassmuth developed
a Forest Stewardship Plan for the 120 acres of forested land
surrounding the monastery. The objectives of this plan were
to maximize aesthetic value, provide a peaceful retreat for
visitors, maintain and create wildlife habitat, practice
ecologically sound and sustainable management, improve forest
health, and, whenever possible, generate income from grazing
allotments and timber harvests.
Through further education and training to hone her management
skills, Sr. Carol Ann began to realize that over the past
100 years of management, most of the superior quality trees
had been removed through the process of high-grading that
leaves only the low value or deformed trees. She developed
a new plan that focused on returning the ecosystem and tree
composition to one more indicative of a healthy forest in
that area, which is widely spaced Ponderosa pine and Douglas-fir.
The first stage of this plan is now complete, and she looks
forward to developing th next appropriate action to improve
forest health,
get the monastery started with LMS, we gathered and entered
the necessary forest
inventory information using the LMS
Inventory Wizard. We then developed and simulated three different
to demonstrate how different management options can be assessed
relative to the goals of the monastery. The specific management
goals at St. Gertrude’s are to provide aesthetic, recreational,
and wildlife amenities to the community while providing the
income required to remain self-sufficient.
The three options that we demonstrated were 1) no action,
2) thinning all stands
together, and 3) staggered thinnings to even out cash flow.

Figure 1: Basal area relative to beetle outbreak risk for
three management alternatives.

The Economatic program within LMS was used to analyze cash
flows over time for each of our three management alternatives.
We also tracked basal area over time relative to risk thresholds
for fire and insects (Figure 1), and we created visualizations
showing the aesthetic outcomes of each alternative (Figure
2). These results demonstrate that carefully planned thinnings
can provide steady income, maintain forest health, and also
maintain aesthetics.

Figure 2: Visualizations of aesthetic outcomes for different
management alternatives.
The management alternatives
that we demonstrated will serve as a baseline from which
Sr. Carol Ann Wassmuth of St. Gertrude’s can begin
to explore the possibilities and uses of LMS and other technology
tools. Our next step is to hold a one day “workshop” for
the Sisters so they can better understand how these programs
can be utilized for developing sound economic and ecologic
management decisions.
Sr. Carol Ann Wassmuth
is excited about this technology and its implications in
building and maintaining economic and ecologic sustainability.
Equipped with these new management tools, Sr. Carol Ann will
unquestionably remain an exemplary forest steward as awarded
by the Idaho State Department of Lands. Her hope is to affect
real change in
the management goals and priorities of individual land owners
and show that preserving forest values does not necessarily
mean relinquishing
economic viability.
- Daisuke Sakuma and Brian Spradlin -
Seniors in Forest Management,
University of Washington
of Forest Resources
Editor’s note: Streaming
video of Daisuke and Brian’s project presentation can
be found here.

Directors Notes
As the university’s academic year comes to a close,
many of our affiliated students have either finished or reached
significant milestones toward their degrees. The diversity
and rigor of the research done by RTI affiliated students
is impressive. We feature these students and their work in
this edition of RTI News.
Our cover story features an LMS case study of an Idaho Monastery
done by undergraduates Daisuke Sakuma and Brian Spradlin.
Daisuke and Brian were introduced to LMS in the forest economics
course taught by RTI staff member Kevin Zobrist, and they
decided to explore the use of LMS on a non-industrial ownership
for their senior project. Brian has graduated with a BS in
forest management and will be returning in the fall to begin
the Peace Corps Master’s program. Daisuke is almost
finished with his BS degree and is considering his post-graduation
Derek Churchill presents the results of his Master’s
project, which was an investigation of uneven-aged management
in the dry Douglas-fir forests at Fort Lewis, WA. Derek graduated
this year with an MS in Silviculture. Also graduating this
year was Michael Andreu, who completed his Ph.D. in Silviculture
and has accepted a position as an assistant professor at
the University of Florida. Michael reports on his dissertation
study, which was an investigation of the use of small diameter
wood as a source of bio-energy.
Ph.D. student Elaine Oneil recently passed her preliminary
exam. She is now working on her general exam, at which point
she will become a Ph.D. candidate and proceed with her dissertation.
Elaine reports on her proposed research topic, which is an
investigation of the site factors that influence mountain
pine beetle outbreaks in Eastside pine forests. |
As we recognize the achievements of these students and wish
them well in their future endeavors, we are also pleased
to welcome two new graduate students this fall: Justina Harris
and Hiroo Imaki. Justina Harris finished her BS this year
with a double major in conservation forestry/wildlife science
and a double minor in urban forestry/quantitative science.
Mrs. Harris is skilled in the use of GIS and forestry software
programs such as LMS. She will begin a Research Assistantship
with RTI by working this summer on land use trend analysis.
This fall she will begin working on her MS in Forest Engineering
and Hydrology.
Hiroo Imaki is a graduate of Tokyo University of Agriculture
and Technology where he earned his Ph.D. in Wildlife Conservation
studying Japanese Monkeys and their interaction with people.
Since being in the US he has attended the Green River Community
College Forestry Program and worked on various GIS and remote
sensing based conservation projects. Dr. Imaki will pursue
an MS in Silviculture as an RTI Research Assistant. His goal
is to combine his extensive expertise in wildlife sciences
with a knowledge of forestry towards integrating management
and biodiversity goals.
Working with undergraduate and graduate students is an important
part of our mission, and the students make tremendous contributions
to our work. We congratulate the students who have graduated
this year and we look forward to working with our new arrivals
this fall.
Bruce Lippke, Director
Email: rti u.washington.edu
Phone: (206) 616-3218 |

Developing Density Thresholds to
manage Mountain Pine Beetle Attack
Eastern Washington forests are increasingly impacted by insect
outbreaks that are thought to be beyond their historic range
of variability. One of the more destructive insects in eastern
Washington is the Mountain Pine Beetle (MPB) (Dendroctonus
ponderosae Hopkins). According to the 2004 Department of Natural
Resources aerial survey, this tiny insect is responsible for
upwards of 430,000 acres of mortality in pine species out of
the approximately 2.8 million acres of pine dominated forests
found across the state. Typically the largest trees and those
in more densely stocked forests are attacked and killed by
MPB. These trees are often under moisture stress which predisposes
them to MPB attack – but not all sites demonstrate the
same degree of stress at the same stocking levels. In looking
for ways to reduce MPB caused mortality, we need to combine
knowledge of plant physiology, stand dynamics, climate, and
site specific ecological metrics to determine when a forest
is too dense relative to its site and thus vulnerable to MPB
infestation. Only then can we determine optimal treatments
and effectively design density reductions to maintain healthy
forest conditions.
There has been much research conducted on the processes related
to outbreaks of MPB in the pine forests of western North America.
At the stand level, studies have described the links between
successful bark beetle attacks and stand parameters such as
density, basal area, age, species composition, and crown competition.
Risk rating systems have been developed using stand parameters,
beetle population metrics, or some
combination of the two to arrive at a broad, generalized
categorization of risk, hazard, and |
susceptibility. The studies
have greatly advanced knowledge of how the MPB interacts
with its host tree, but not the underlying mechanisms that
result in equally high mortality under stand conditions that
are not similar. Researchers documenting MPB attacks have
found a range of threshold values after which stands become
susceptible. Those thresholds are based on stand parameters,
but stand parameters are only one side of the equation. One
linkage that requires more research in our efforts to understand
thresholds is the role of site carrying capacity, which typically
has not been incorporated into susceptibility assessments.
Defining relationships between carrying capacity, stand parameters,
and climate is a useful conceptual approach to refine estimates
of stand susceptibility to MPB. In order to visualize the relationships
between stand carrying capacity and stand metrics, consider
the familiar elements of the fire triangle as shown on the
left hand side of Figure 1. The fire triangle consists of three
equally important legs: fuel loading, topography, and weather.
In fire management it is recognized that only the fuel leg
of the triangle can be managed, but the other two legs are
integral in estimations of risk and impacts during a fire event.
On the right hand side of Figure 1 is a similar model outlining
the key elements of the MPB susceptibility triangle: stand
parameters, carrying capacity, and weather/climate. In Figure
1 note that the role of site carrying capacity in MPB infestation
is analogous to the topography leg of the fire effects triangle.
As is the case with topographic limitations during a fire event,
management does not generally change site carrying capacity.
However, by understanding the limitations imposed by carrying
capacity and the weather/climate duo during a ‘MPB event’,
more accurate prediction and mitigation activities can ensue.

1: A comparison of the elements used in fire risk rating and
mountain pine beetle susceptibility rating.
Relationships between site carrying capacity and mortality
from insect attack have been hinted at as early as 1987 when
Fred Hall used data from Sartwell and Stevens 1975 work on
bark beetles in the Black Hills as part of a site carrying
capacity metric called Growth Basal Area or GBA. GBA is the
basal area a stand can carry at 100 years of age and still
maintain a growth rate of 1” per decade in radial increment
on the dominant trees. GBA is a useful measure for assessing
site carrying capacity relative to MPB attack because trees
allocate photosynthate to survival and root and shoot growth
first and only then to diameter growth and insect resistance
in approximately equal ranking. Because of this equivalence
in allocation, diameter growth provides a useable estimator
for tree vigor and stand health relative to insect resistance.
The question |
remains: How do we specify the links between a growth index
like GBA and the forest health benefits we might obtain from
managing stands to keep them within the carrying capacity
of the site?
In order to arrive at estimates of site specific MPB thresholds
as a function of variables influencing site carrying capacity
it is necessary to analyze current stand growth patterns
relative to site qualities such as slope, aspect, and elevation
as well as historic and current weather patterns which influence
moisture status on these sites. By linking site carrying
capacity and climate/weather to current stand parameters,
we believe we can develop better predictors of thresholds
that would support a MPB outbreak. Analyzing density thresholds
for MPB in this manner incorporates changes in risk and susceptibility
associated with current and future weather and climate variables.
As such the analytic methods may provide a useful context
for assessing how thresholds for any given site will change
as we move into altered climatic conditions.
- Elaine Oneil, Ph.D. student in Silviculture
University of Washington
College of Forest Resources |

Uneven-Age Management in Dry-Site
Douglas-fir Stands at Ft Lewis, Washington
In the Westside forests of the Pacific Northwest, there is
growing interest in uneven-aged management for ownerships with
a mix of financial, wildlife habitat, aesthetic, and other
objectives. Forest stands on Ft. Lewis, Washington are being
managed for such a mix of objectives under an uneven-age silvicultural
system that relies on natural regeneration. Under a partnership
between Ft. Lewis, RTI, and the U.S.F.S. Pacific Northwest
Research Station in Olympia, RTI graduate student Derek Churchill
recently completed an assessment of uneven-aged management
in dry-site Douglas-fir stands at Ft. Lewis.
Approximately 25% of the forestland (15,000 ac) at Ft. Lewis
is dry-site Douglas-fir forest that established over the last
150 years on former prairies with coarse textured, droughty
outwash soils. These stands have been managed for the past
several decades with light thinning entries that remove 15-20%
of standing volume at roughly 10-year intervals. In the understory,
Douglas-fir is well established and is the only conifer species
present. Ft. Lewis managers are relying on this naturally regenerated
Douglas-fir to become overstory trees in the future as they
continue the 10-year cycle of thinning entries. Managers wanted
to assess the vigor of the existing Douglas-fir regeneration
to determine whether it is a viable source of replacement trees
and what management strategies are needed to ensure that the
current silvicultural system is sustainable.
Factors influencing the vigor of Douglas-fir regeneration |
investigated in thirteen stands at both the individual
tree and stand levels. Indices of understory vigor (live
crown ratio, height-to-diameter ratio, and crown density)
were combined to produce two methods of quantifying vigor:
a regression model that predicts volume growth as a percent
of maximum site potential (relative volume growth) and a
simple 4 class vigor classification system. The management
implications of different levels of vigor were then defined
by linking each of the 4 vigor classes with estimates of
release potential and the likelihood of recruitment into
the overstory without further release.
At the individual tree level, a strong relationship was
observed between the relative volume growth vigor metric,
overstory density, and competition from neighboring understory
trees and shrubs. Regeneration with low levels of understory
competition was shown to require an average of >35% full
sunlight (<25% full site occupancy) to achieve levels
of vigor where recruitment into the overstory without further
thinning begins to be possible. If released, these high vigor
trees will quickly attain growth rates comparable with trees
that were never suppressed. Between 15-35% full sunlight
(25-55% full site occupancy), regeneration was found to be
growing too slowly to recruit into the overstory without
release. However, understory trees did appear to have sufficient
live crown and stem stability to be able to adequately respond
to release. Below 15% full sunlight (>55% full site occupancy),
regeneration was scarce and of poor vigor. For all vigor
classes, regeneration with high levels of understory competition
was found to require more light to achieve the same growth
rates, and this effect increased in higher light environments.

stand level model was also developed and demonstrated that
while overstory density is the dominant factor influencing
understory vigor, understory stocking, shrub cover, and the
spatial arrangement of the cohorts are also important. Guidelines
were developed for managing both the overstory and understory
to help managers achieve the desired balance of stand volume
growth, structural and habitat goals, and understory vigor.
While maintaining the overstory below 25% full site occupancy
is necessary to recruit Douglas-fir advanced regeneration
into the overstory, entire stands do not need to be thinned
to these low levels. Rather, to balance the tradeoff between
total stand volume growth and vigor of regeneration, patchy
stands can be created in which some areas are treated with
light thinnings from below to maximize volume growth, other
areas are thinned more intensively to establish
regeneration and maintain its release potential, and other
areas are opened up to provide enough light for regeneration
to grow vigorously and recruit into the overstory. In this
last case, group selection and clumped retention, rather
than more uniform heavy thinnings, appear to use growing
space more efficiently. In addition to overstory thinning,
pre-commercial thinning and shrub control around crop trees
where regeneration is clumped in thickets or dense throughout
a stand has the potential to significantly increase vigor
levels, especially in more open stands. This study suggests
that uneven-age management is ecologically possible with
Douglas-fir on dry sites using a mix of single tree and group
selection systems and can yield both market and non-market
-By Derek Churchill, MS in Silviculture-
University of Washington
College of Forest Resources |

Economic, Social and Silvicultural
Analysis of Converting Residual Forest Biomass to Methanol
The sustainable management of western forests is becoming
increasingly difficult in the face of intense summer forest
fires, large insect outbreaks, and limited silvicultural options
due to the loss of markets for lower quality, small diameter
wood. The ability to utilize low-quality, small-diameter wood
has diminished over the past two decades as a direct result
of the closure of pulp and saw mills throughout the region.
Frequently blame is laid for these closures on the increased
regulatory environment associated with wildlife habitat protection
policies and the subsequent loss of a steady supply of raw
material. Other researchers claim that the phenomenon of western
mill closures is a function of a glut of raw material available
both domestically and abroad. This research has changed the
focus from finding a cause for this shift in demand for western
wood products to finding alternative uses for these resources.
It is looking at integrating small-scale, mobile wood biomass
chemical conversion to liquid fuel (methanol) systems with
emerging technologies in the renewable-energy sector (hydrogen
fuel cells). |
The economic feasibility has traditionally not favored such
chemical conversion systems, but the combination of technology
improvements for the conversion processes and policy shifts
associated with green credit markets and other incentive
based programs can shift the market dynamics in favor of
such a system. Such a system would potentially provide a
needed economic boost to rural economies once dependent on
timber revenues by providing jobs in the logging sector,
as well as in the production of wood-based methanol. Such
a system would likely not be subject to the market fluctuations
associated with excess raw material on the market, because
the harvested wood would be coming from silvicultural operations
normally considered pre-commercial. The added value is both
in the production of energy from a negatively valued product
as well as a silvicultural option that promotes a fire safe
and vigorous forest.
- By Michael G. Andreu, Ph.D. in
Silviculture -
University of Washington
College of Forest Resources
For additional information on this study please visit http://www.cfr.washington.edu/research.Forest_Energy/ |

Upcoming Events |
9, 2005
Thinning for forest health workshop
Tolt River Highlands, Carnation, WA
For information contact Amy Grotta,
WSU King County Extension,
(206) 205-3132 or
July 16, 2005
Measuring your forest” field day
Poulsbo, WA
For registration/information contact Andy Perleberg,
WSU Extension,
at (360) 428-4270 or
August 13, 2005
Estate planning for family forest owners seminar
Everett, WA
For registration/information contact Andy Perleberg,
WSU Extension,
at (360) 428-4270 or
September 14-16, 2005
LMS Training Workshop
Pack Forest, Eatonville, WA
Click here for details
September 24, 2005 (tentative)
North Central WA Forest Owner Field Day
Chelan, WA
More details will be available soon
Oct-Nov, 2005
Forest Stewardship Coached Planning Shortcourse
Arlington, WA
For registration/information contact Andy Perleberg,
WSU Extension,
at (360) 428-4270 or
December 4-6, 2005
ArcGIS Training Workshop
Pack Forest, Eatonville, WA
Click here for details |

Readers may send comments to:
Editor, RTI News
Rural Technology Initiative
Box 352100
Seattle, WA 98195-2100
Phone: 206-543-0827
email: rtinews u.washington.edu