Rural Technology Initiative:
Progress Report and Impact Statement
Fall 2004
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A Collaborative University of Washington/Washington State University
Technology Transfer Center Serving Rural Timber Communities
Increasing complexity as a result of changing environmental
regulations, recognition that new research findings are well
ahead of implementation, and the substantial and widening
gap between urban and timber rural incomes in Washington
State suggests the need for more rapid technology transfer
to the state’s rural timber communities. The Rural
Technology Initiative (RTI) was established in January 2000
as a pilot project managed cooperatively by the University
of Washington’s (UW) College of Forest Resources (CFR)
and Washington State University’s (WSU) Cooperative
Extension. A rural advisory board representing non-industrial
private forestland (NIPF) owners, tribal forest managers,
forestry consultants, forest industry, labor unions, conservation
and economic development districts, the U.S.D.A Forest Service,
and local community organizations was established; it has
set priorities for technology transfer needs. RTI is funded
in part by USDA-FS Cooperative Programs and RTI augments
base funding with other science and technology grants.
Priorities and Needs Assessments
The RTI advisory board identified four initial priorities:
- Landscape management case studies of (1) Forest and Fish
Agreement impacts on NIPF owners under a range of alternative
(2) dry-site thinning and critical habitat management alternatives;
and (3) carbon credit protocols.
- Training and assistance for NIPF, tribal foresters and
forestry consultants in response to an RTI-conducted needs
- Scientifically credible habitat models for landscape
management alternatives and monitoring programs to demonstrate
- Value-enhancing certified data for managed forests.
Needs Assessments.
RTI carried out needs assessments:
- Surveyed consulting foresters’ needs, including
training topics, level of training, and times and locations
for delivery.
With a 40% response rate, training topics considered
important or very important included the following: regulatory
riparian protection; tax and estate planning; Geographic
Information Systems Instruction (GIS); Global Positioning
System Instruction (GPS), unstable slope and road impacts
on water resources, Instruction in the Landscape Management
System (LMS), spreadsheets and data management; and growth
and yield. A majority of respondents felt that new technology
can help land owners and managers more efficiently meet
regulatory requirements at lower costs.
- Analyzed and interpreted data from two NIPF landowner
surveys in Washington State preparatory to the development
a habitat conservation planning approach.
Short Course Training and Technical Support.
Training and technical support are critical to expanding
the use of technology. RTI:
- Modified the Landscape Management System (LMS) software
developed at UW to increase user friendliness, such as
the inclusion
of the Inventory Wizard, Econometric, Site Index Calculator & Log
Sort Wizard.
- Conducted numerous LMS training sessions for consultants,
educators, NIPFs, and tribal foresters.
- Developed a user-friendly LMS tutorial with software
made available at no charge on CD or download from http://lms.cfr.washington.edu/lms2.html.
- Developed templates for management alternatives that
are being integrated with WSU/DNR coached planning classes
assist NIPF owners in developing Forest Stewardship plans.
David Jenner, small forest landowner: “I
want to thank you all for doing such a great job
with the (Landscape Management System) training.” |
Riparian Management Case Studies.
To understand the impact of new riparian regulations, RTI:
- Analyzed impacts of management alternatives.
- Prepared economic impact case studies on small sized
forested parcels, analyzed the economic impact of a base
case and four management alternatives
allowed under the Forest and Fish Agreement. Total Forest Value losses
ranged from 27% to 36% under the “best case” scenario, and from 45% to 83%
under the “worst case” scenario.
- Developed an assessment procedure to evaluate alternative
plans for their ability to produce desired future environmental
conditions and economics
sufficient for sustainable forest management.
Chan Norenberg, former President Washington
Farm Forestry Association:“You people
are doing a great job; this is the technical leg-up
that Washington’s farm foresters desperately
need.” |
Wildlife Habitat and Riparian Function Modeling.
To develop credible data on the impacts of forest management on habitat
and stream conditions, RTI:
- Developed models directly linking habitat-suitability measures
to the evolution of forest stands under management.
- Convened a panel of forest scientists to plan the development
of better models and to identify gaps in needed coverage.
The panel circulated a draft
plan identifying upland habitat, riparian zone habitat, and in stream functionality
and modeling needs.
- Used the Satsop Management Plan (Grays Harbor County)
as a pilot test and case study for developing upland habitat
models based on the Fish & Wildlife
Habitat Evaluation Procedure. Using LMS, a range of management alternatives
and resulting Habitat Suitability Indices can be evaluated for their impacts
- Evaluated in-stream functionality indicators identified
by NCASI (stream bank stability, sediment reduction, chemical
removal, shade and temperature,
large woody debris, particulate matter) in order to develop similar
forest-dependent in stream functionality measures linked
to LMS.
- Developed management plans and assessment methods for
a multi- and small-owner Habitat Conservation Plans.
Sherry Fox, landowner and member of
the Advisory Board: “RTI provides
nonindustrial forestland owners and tribes with
the technical support to undertake planning for
certification, habitat conservation, carbon sequestration,
fires risk reduction and other important strategies….you
need only to look at their website at www.ruraltech.org.
Their achievements are impressive.” |
Fire Risk Reduction.
Increased numbers of intense crown fires are symptomatic of a changed management
paradigm, e.g. fire suppression and insufficient attention to stand structure.
- Evaluated the impact of alternative fuel reduction treatments
on fire risk.
- Developed tools linked to LMS that support development
of fire risk reduction strategies.
- Demonstrated that the benefits of fuel treatments that
reduce fire risk, when non-market benefits (saving habitat,
fire fighting and relocation costs, fatalities, facilities
losses, carbon, and water) are included, are much greater
than the cost of treatment.
- Demonstrated that archival evidence of pre-European Eastside
forests can serve as a measure of crowning potential for
eastside forests. Developed metrics will be used to provide
guidance to land managers in designing future landscapes
to meet biodiversity goals and reduce fire hazard.
Kathleen Hemenway, PhD, Wildlife
Hazard Mitigation – Research: “I
read ‘Investigation of Alternative
Strategies for Design, Layout, and Administration
of Fuel Removal Projects’ and I think
it is a wonderful analysis.” |
Forest and Log-value Enhancement.
In evaluating management treatments that increase log values,
- Characterized species requirements and treatments that increase
the market value of logs while managing for habitat values.
Road Management.
To facilitate road management plans required under the Forest and Fish Agreement
that protect against slope failure and sedimentation, RTI:
- Developed software programs providing computerized road
layout assistance and assessment of the efficiency of cross-drain
- Developed case studies that identify the cost of required
changes to roads and culverts, that consider road density
planning for NIPFs, an identification
of preferred alternatives to comply with Forest and Fish requirements.
- Estimated total NIPF costs that led to legislative change
more favorable to sustainable production.
- Produced an Extension Bulletin, Roads on Small Acreage
Forests, which describes basic road principles for NIPF
Eastside Riparian Management and Forest Health.
Riparian regulations require leaving dense buffers that increase fire and disease
risks. To understand how to avoid these problems, RTI:
- Using LMS, developed alternative plans for the dry site
ponderosa pine and mixed conifer regions, which will reduce
fire risk, and beetle kill and result
in lower management costs while also storing more carbon.
James Walls: “Program Coordinator,
Sustainable Northwest: “I am currently working in Oregon
with the Nature Conservancy, a private landowner
and the Forest Service on projects utilizing LMS.
We are calculating carbon credits and applying other
leading edge technology utilizing LMS. The great
thing about technology like LMS is it’s free
and available for downloading off the Internet. Any
forester in the United States can download LMS and
utilize it.” |
Impact on NIPFs.
To assess the impact of regulations on small forest landowners, the legislature
requested development of a database of land parcels, RTI:
- Developed a tax parcel database of NIPF landowners for
all counties in Washington State.
- Demonstrated that NIPF owners dominate the interface
acreage between urban/suburban areas and the riparian lowlands.
These areas are regarded as key riparian habitats for many
wildlife species.
Publications and Outreach Education.
In addition to training programs, RTI made findings available via Web, newsletter,
fact sheets, and other publications, RTI:
- Prepared and distributed quarterly activity reports.
- Published 2 to 3 newsletters each year.
- Contributed timely articles to Forest Stewardship Notes,
a WSU Extension publication that is distributed to over
16,000 NIPF landowners and others biannually.
- Provided over 30 fact sheets available from the website.
- Presented talks and posters at many events such as Washington
Farm Forestry Association, Intertribal Timber Council and
Society of America Foresters meetings.
Robert Wahpat, Chairman, Yakama Nation
Tribal Council: “The RTI …has
worked closely with the Yakama Nation Tribal and
Bureau of Indian Affairs forestry staffs. The Yakama
Nation needs tools such as RTI, combining the educational
and technical support from the best science at our
universities, to assist in achieving the balance
of economic development and environmental protection
in our forests.” |
- Developed streaming videos to support distance learning
(e.g., a Sudden Oak Death workshop video was distributed
within one week to field foresters by several companies;
videos on buffer management demonstrations are reducing
the need for costly field demos).
- Developed streaming videos of traditional Extension Educational
opportunities, such as Coached Planning Sessions, Fall
Educational Workshop, Human Dimensions Symposium.
- Developed and delivered outreach courses on LMS, GPS,
GIS, Internet use, road layout, and fire risk reduction;
and are developing, a course on forest tax and estate planning.
- Provided technical tools and assistance to community
Daniel Underwood, Peninsula College
Professor: "RTI, by making
possible access to 'state of the art' forest
science, from models to computer simulation,
has provided a much-needed public good in
rural communities. I attended the LMS training
session I was able to use LMS in class upon
my return to campus.” |
Graduate Students.
In addition, RTI funds both UW and WSU graduate students, who work with campus
faculty and Extension Specialists and Agents; these students receive valuable
training and enter the job market with better technological skills.