The Rural Technology Initiative ceased operations in 2011. This site is maintained as an archive of works from RTI collaborators from 2000 to 2011 and is no longer updated. RTI's successor and remaining staff can be found at |
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The biomass of trees is often subdivided into above- and below-ground components with further subdivisions of each. For example, above-ground biomass includes foliage, branches, stem, and bark. Various researchers may define components somewhat differently. Table 11-1 presents equations for estimating oven-dry biomass components of many commercial tree species found in the Pacific Northwest (Gholz et al. 1979). Figure 11-1 shows an example of biomass distribution of a 16 inch (40.64 cm) dbh Douglas-fir tree as calculated from the equations in Table 11-1. About 83% of the biomass of this tree is above-ground and 17% is below-ground. The stem, including bark, is about 72% of the total biomass. Care must be exercised in interpreting biomass data. Some researchers report only the above-ground portions; the stem (with bark) of the 16 inch Douglas-fir represents 87% of its above-ground biomass. Some may consider the stump as part of the stem, while others include it with the roots. The stem biomass may be the entire stem to the tip of the tree or it may be measured to a minimum top diameter with the remainder considered part of the crown. The original researchers' report must be examined to be certain that definitions of components are clearly understood. The reference for Table 11-1 is a compilation from many sources and lists the original sources. Harvesting systems are involved in removing portions of the above-ground biomass. Whole-tree harvesting converts most of the above-ground biomass into logs and chips. Whole-tree harvesting is relatively uncommon because markets for chips that contain bark and foliage are often weak. The more common harvesting practice converts just the stem into logs of specific sizes that are later converted to poles, lumber, veneer, and other products. Each of these processes has a minimum size of log that can be used. This generally means that the portion of the stem less than about 4 inches in diameter is not made into logs and is left in the forest along with the crown and below-ground biomass. In some trees, a portion of the stem may also be unusable because it is too crooked, rotten, or broken. Generally these losses, termed defect percent, are low in young-growth trees but can be as high as 70% or more in old-growth trees with advanced decay.Figure 11-2 presents a material balance for the 16 inch Douglas-fir tree with the following assumptions: (1) The minimum top diameter is 4 inches (10.16 cm). The weight of wood and bark in the stem above this point was estimated by substituting this diameter into the stem wood and stem bark biomass equations. Thus 19.6 kg of stem wood and 3.8 kg of stem bark were left in the forest in the form of an unused top. (2) The defect percentage to account for other stem losses, perhaps a region of rot or crookedness, is 2%. (3) Five logs, 16 feet in length and having small end diameters (inside bark) from 4 to 12 inches, were obtained from the stem. The material balance in Figure 4-1 for processing logs into dimension lumber was applied to each log. The combined results are: 40% becomes surfaced-dry lumber 43% becomes chips 7% becomes sawdust 10% becomes planer shavings/dry trim 100% total Table 11-1. Equations for predicting tree biomass (in kilograms) of Pacific Northwest species.
Source: Gholz
et al. (1979). Figure 11-1. Biomass distribution of a 16 inch dbh Douglas-fir tree.
Figure 11-2. Biomass distribution of a 16 inch Douglas-fir tree when processed into dimension lumber. It is assumed that the material balance values, developed for cubic log volume, can also be applied to log weight. The material balance shows that 33% of the total tree remains in the forest, serving useful ecosystem and soil stability functions. About 48% of the tree was converted to lumber and chips for paper, and 19% was converted by industrial boilers into energy for manufacturing the products. In many cases, the logs from the stem may be allocated to different processes; the first 17 feet may be allocated to plywood and the remainder to one or more sawmills. The material balance method can be easily expanded to show this allocation and the multiproduct conversions. Standing trees are usually measured in terms of volume rather than biomass components. Volume may be estimated in cubic feet, cubic meters, or one of the board foot log scaling systems discussed in Chapter 2. Volume may represent the entire stem or the merchantable stem. Merchantable volume may be the volume between an assumed stump height and a minimum top diameter or the total volume of a series of fixed-length logs that must exceed a minimum diameter. There are several methods for developing volume estimates, and results are commonly presented in volume tables. The reader is referred to Avery (1975) for elaboration on methods and to Bell and Dilworth (1990) for volume tables for a number of Pacific Northwest species. Although the methods for obtaining tree volumes have some features in common with scaling actual logs after felling and bucking, some discrepancy can be expected between the estimated volume in the standing tree and the actual volume of logs obtained. Conversion factors between log scaling systems presented in Chapter 2 should not be assumed to be applicable to standing timber. Forest inventory reports of the U.S. Forest Service should be consulted for explanation of how tree measurements are taken, how volumes are estimated, and appropriate conversion factors between different volumes of standing trees. Conversion between tree volume and biomass, while seemingly straightforward, requires knowledge of average wood specific gravity of standing trees of the species in question. Specific gravity varies internally in a tree, with its age and genetics, and geographically, hence obtaining an accurate local specific gravity value is not easy. Conversions between volume and biomass may also be complicated by lack of consistency in the measurements and definitions used by volume table developers and biomass researchers. Inventories of standing timber are generally given in
terms of volume stratified by species and stem diameter, which
is taken outside bark at a height of 4.5 feet. This stem diameter
is called diameter at breast
height (dbh). Volume may be gross or, more
commonly, net volume after taking into account unusable portions
such as rot and poor form (sweep, crook, forks, etc.). The U.S.
Forest Service conducts and publishes periodic forest inventories
as "resource bulletins" for all states and subregions
thereof, and provides information for various landowner categories.
These bulletins also provide full descriptions of terminology,
measurement standards, and conversion factors used. Growing stock: Live trees of commercial species meeting certain standards of quality and vigor. When growing stock volume is reported, only growing stock trees 5.0 inches dbh and larger are included. Sawtimber: Live trees of commercial species that contain at least one 12 foot sawlog or two noncontiguous 8 foot logs that meet regional specifications for freedom from defect. Softwood sawtimber trees must be at least 9.0 inches dbh, while hardwood sawtimber trees must be at least 11 inches dbh. In addition, volumes may be presented according to more than
one merchantability standard, such as cubic feet for the whole
tree, cubic feet from the stump to a 4 inch diameter top, and
so on. Table 11-2. Growing stock/sawtimber inventory ratios in the United States, by softwoods and hardwoods, region and subregion, 1987.
Source: Waddell et al. (1989). Column 5 added by the author. |
The Rural Technology Home Page is provided by the College of Forest Resources. For more information, please contact the Rural Technology Initiative, University of Washington Box 352100 Seattle, WA 98195, (206) 543-0827. © 2000-2004, University of Washington, Rural Technology Initiative, including all photographs and images unless otherwise noted. To view the privacy policy, click here. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Last Updated 10/13/2022 11:34:06 AM |